What is Adelaide City Council’s involvement in the project?

    Although the O-Bahn City Access Project is managed and funded by State Government, Adelaide City Council has care, control and management of some of the Park Lands and surrounding roads that will be impacted by the project.  Adelaide City Council has provided conditional support for the project and, to ensure that the project delivers outcomes that are beneficial to the city, the Council and its administration are working collaboratively with the Minister and the project team. 

    Why is the public being consulted at this stage?

    Under the Local Government Act 1999, before a Council grants a lease or licence relating to community land (such as the Park Lands), it must follow the relevant steps set out in its public consultation policy.

    What level of engagement is being undertaken?

    Council will be ‘Informing’ the community of the Works Compound as they are facilitating a DPTI project and there is to be no substantial change of use to the land at completion of the project.
    As defined by Council’s engagement tool kit, Informing is ‘one way communication to provide balanced and objective information to assist understanding about something that is going to happen'.

    Will the Minister keep this land at the end of the licence?

    At the completion of the project and the end of the licence all of the land will be returned to the care and control of Council and be restored as open, accessible, green Park Lands.

    How big is the area that the construction licence will cover?

    Approximately 1500m2.

    Will any trees have to be removed?

    Small shrubbery will be impacted as a result of the location of the works compound. It is a condition of the licence that tree and shrubbery impacts are to be minimised. There are no trees that are identified as ‘Regulated’ or ‘Significant’ trees in this location.

    Will I still be able to be cross Frome Park/Nellie Raminyemmerin by foot or by bicycle – ie, Botanic Gardens to Frome Road?

    Yes, all walking paths will still be maintained in these areas.

    What will happen to the events like Womad that are normally held in this park?

    The works compound is going to be staged to minimise impacts to this event. Once Womad has finished, Stage 3 of the project will expand south of the original compound boundary to accommodate the workers' site shed and a vehicle turning circle.

    How do I provide my feedback?

    Click here to provide your feedback online.

    Alternatively comments can be emailed to yoursay@adelaidecitycouncil.com.

    Written Submissions
    All written submissions must be received by 5.00 pm on Sunday 18 December 2016 and should be addressed to:

    Community Consultation 
    Works Compound - New City High School
    GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001

    What will happen to my feedback?

    At the end of the consultation period, feedback that is related to the proposed licence will be provided to Council.

    How do I know my feedback has been received?

    All feedback forms, submissions or correspondence will be acknowledged either by email or in writing so that you know your comments/feedback has been received.