How do I provide my feedback?

    There are a number of ways in which you can provide feedback:
    Feedback Form
    Complete the Feedback Form which provides an opportunity for general comments and will not be publicly available.

    Online/ Website - Guest book
    Council has a dedicated website that provides an opportunity for quick and efficient online feedback. Visit for information about the project provide your comments in the Guest book.  These comments will be publically available but people wil not be able to make changes to your comments.

    City Library: Drop in to speak to one of the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel members at the City Library between 12pm-4pm on Thursday 3 December.

    Alternatively comments can be emailed to

    Written Submissions
    All written submissions must be received by 5.00 pm Monday 9 December 2013 and should be addressed to:
    Community Consultation
    Access and Inclusion
    GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001

    Electronic submissions are available online at, or alternatively comments can be e-mailed directly to

    What happens to my feedback?

    Feedback will be used to determine priorities for 2016/17 including which access and inclusion case study projects will be chosen.

    How do I know my feedback has been received?

    A summary of the feedback will be provided on Council’s Your Say Adelaide website.

    The Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel meeting minute’s summary can be found on Council’s website and here you can find out which case study projects have been selected for 2016/17.

    You are also able to download a copy of the annual Access and Inclusion Strategy progress report on our website.

    Who do I contact for more information?

    For more information, please contact:
    Sarah Cleggett; Social Planner
    Ph: 8203 7385     Email:

    Why doesn’t the Access and Inclusion Strategy outline specific actions or projects?

    The Access and Inclusion Strategy provides a broader outlook and operates over a longer timeframe. Projects and actions are identified in annual program planning.

    How will Council determine what actions will be undertaken to achieve access and inclusion outcomes?

    In order to be efficient, Council will seek out and use opportunities within existing work plans and major projects to achieve access and inclusion outcomes. To ensure that outcomes are achieved within existing projects and budget allocations, some suggestions for action may not be prioritised. Suggestions will be considered in longer term planning, either through on-going project schedules such as street upgrades and asset renewal or a new project bid.    

    How do I find out what has already been achieved?

    The Administration reports regularly to Council, through quarterly and annual business plan reports which include progress on actions related to disability planning.

    Since the endorsement of the Access and Inclusion Strategy, a process for showcasing access and inclusion planning was introduced. Four ‘case study’ projects are selected annually and supported through review by the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel, targeted community engagement and partnership opportunities with the disability sector. The first four ‘case studies’ will be published online in July 2014.

    What is the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel?

    The role of the Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel is to provide strategic, expert and impartial advice to Council on the development, implementation, monitoring and review of policies, strategies, projects and plans with the aim to advance the inclusion of people with disability.  The Panel has six individual members and six organisational members. Membership details are available on the Council website:

    The group meet at least four times a year. A selection process was undertaken in early 2013 and over 40 applications were received for the individual positions. The term of the Panel is 2 years with a right to continue for an additional 1 year.

    Future vacancies for the Panel will be advertised through Council publications, and networks including the State Disability Register which is administered by Disability SA.