Why is the Adelaide Bowling Club applying for a 15 year lease?

    The Adelaide Bowling Club is applying for a 15 year lease to secure its financial investment in the club rooms and greens located in Rymill Park / Mullawirraburka and to continue the promotion of Bowls as a sport in a city centre context.

    As an individual will I still be able to play Bowls at the Adelaide Bowling club?

    There is no proposed change to the use of the facility. The activation of this area is an important objective of the club and intends to continue both public and private participation and usage.

    How will this affect the users of Rymill Park / Mullawirraburka?

    It is envisaged that the proposed 15 year lease will not affect users of Rymill Park / Mullawirraburka. As currently experienced, the community will continue to benefit from public participation, with the exception of scheduled competition usage.

    What change will be seen?

    There is no proposed change to the leased area associated with this lease.

    The proposed leased area is currently under the management and control of the Adelaide Bowling Club and this will be a continued arrangement.

    What are the fees and will they be discounted over the 15 year period?

    The fees that are associated with this lease are determined in accordance with the Park Lands Property Strategy which can be found at yoursay.adelaidecitycouncil.com. No discount is being offered to the Adelaide Bowling Club in exchange for the proposed longer term lease.