Consultation Timeline

Engagement is being undertaken in stages as follows:

Stage 1 (22 October to 12 November 2021) engaged the community on levels of service for Park Lands and Open Space and Streets and Transportation, as these will inform the asset plans to be developed first. The consultation feedback also contributed to the Lighting & Electrical, and Water Infrastructure asset plans.

Stage 2 (27 June - 18 July 2022) will focus on the levels of service for the remaining service areas and will inform the Buildings plan. Click here [LINK] to complete the survey.

Stage 3 (Late 2022 TBC): following the consultation processes, City of Adelaide will make further amendments to the draft AMPs as appropriate. It is envisaged that Transportation, Urban elements and Plant and Equipment draft AMPs will go out for community consultation as draft documents for final comment in late 2022.

Stage 4 (Early 2023 TBC): the Buildings, Water Infrastructure, Park Lands and Open Space, and Lighting and Electrical plans will go out for community consultation as draft documents for final comment in 2023.

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