How will Emergency Services access the street if there is an incident?

    All emergency services will have access via the bollards at the North Terrace end of Charles Street.

    Will service, delivery and waste vehicles be able to access Charles Place if Charles Street is closed?

    Access for those who are authorised to utilise both Charles Street and Charles Place will still be allowed. However, access may be restricted to certain days and times which will be determined at the conclusion of this consultation e.g., may operate as per Rundle Mall access hours. 

    Will the road be accessible to pedestrians and cyclists?

    Yes, the road, although closed to motor vehicles in general, is still a public road. Access for pedestrians and cyclists will be maintained unless permission from Council is granted to hold an event or activity that may require them to detour to nearby streets during the event or activity.

    Will there be a loss of parking?

    No. There are no parking spaces on Charles Street.