City Skate (OLD)

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This consultation has concluded.

We are asking for the ideas of people who currently use, visit and interact with the City Skate Park to inform our decision making on a future skate facility for the City.

Adelaide City Council’s lease of the of the City Skate Park site officially ends in June 2014 and we would like to start planning for a new facility to replace it, including the identification of any potential suitable locations in the City.

It is highly likely that there will be a period where there is no skate facility in the City, due to the time it takes to seek funding, properly plan, design and construct a new skate facility. Hence, we are starting to gather your ideas now, so that if and when funding does become available we already have a good understanding of what the community wants.

For more information, please read the City Skate: Relocation of the City Skate Park Information Pack.

We are asking for the ideas of people who currently use, visit and interact with the City Skate Park to inform our decision making on a future skate facility for the City.

Adelaide City Council’s lease of the of the City Skate Park site officially ends in June 2014 and we would like to start planning for a new facility to replace it, including the identification of any potential suitable locations in the City.

It is highly likely that there will be a period where there is no skate facility in the City, due to the time it takes to seek funding, properly plan, design and construct a new skate facility. Hence, we are starting to gather your ideas now, so that if and when funding does become available we already have a good understanding of what the community wants.

For more information, please read the City Skate: Relocation of the City Skate Park Information Pack.