What is the purpose of the Representation Review?

    The purpose of a Representation Review is to determine whether the City of Adelaide communities are adequately represented in local government. The review looks at whether Council’s structure gives residents an effective pathway to have a voice to its local government and if those communities would benefit from changes to the composition, size, or Ward structure of the Council.

    What is a Ward Quota?

    A ward quota or representation quota is determined to be the number of electors for the area (as at the relevant date) divided by the number of councillors for the area who represent wards.


    What is Ward Quota Tolerance and how does this impact on the City of Adelaide'?

    The tolerance is the percentage difference between each individual ward ratio (electors/representatives) and the quota (ward ratio - quota / ward ratio x 100). These numbers have already been worked out in the Options Paper report for ease of reference.