Why do we need a Safer City Policy?

    Council has not had a series of principles to provide the reasons ‘why’ Council makes decisions on ‘what’ we are going to do to create a safer city. The policy also provides the National, State and Council strategic context and relevant legislation which guides our work.

    Why do we need a Safer City Strategy?

    The Safer City Strategy ensures Council has a clear framework for action to achieve the Strategic Plan Outcome 4: Liveable City, specifically the strategy to ‘Enable people to use the city safely’.

    Why do we need a revised Liquor Licensing Policy?

    The previous Liquor Licensing Policy was developed in 2007 and is due for revision. Since this time a number of legislative changes have occurred including changes to the Development Plan. More information on these changes can be found in the Liquor Licensing Reform Paper.

    Who administers these policies?

    Council’s City Safety and Customer Services Program hold the primary responsibility for writing, reviewing and administering these policies however implementation of the Safer City Strategy is also undertaken by a range of Council Programs including City Planning, Infrastructure Management, Vibrant City, City Community and City Design.

    What is South Australia Police’s role in creating a safer city?

    The Police and Council have different roles in creating city safety. SAPOL has the primary responsibility to uphold the law and prevent crime in the city. SAPOL works with Council in various ways including monitoring Council’s public CCTV network and providing advice on crime prevention strategies.

    What are Council’s roles in creating a safer city?

    While Council does not enforce the law, it plays a key role in crime prevention through design and management of the public realm. Other Council roles are described in the Safer City Policy.

    How often are these policies reviewed?

    It is planned that these documents will be reviewed again in 2017.

    Is there an alternative way to provide my feedback?

    Yes, you can provide your feedback in the following ways:

    Write to us
    All written submissions must be received by 5.00 pm on Monday 14 October and should be addressed to:
    Community Consultation Creating a Safer
    City GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001

    Email us
    Feedback Form, Submission Form and comments can be emailed to yoursay@adelaidecitycouncil.com

    Meet with Staff
    Public Information Sessions Council staff will be available face-to-face at the Customer Centre, 25 Pirie Street, to answer any questions and take feedback on:
    Monday 16 September between 2 and 5 pm, and
    Wednesday 9 October between 9:30 am and 12 noon

    Who can I contact for further information?

    For more information, or to book into an information session,
    please contact:
    Name: Jennifer West
    Title: Senior Safety Strategy Consultant

    Phone: 8203 7435
    Email Address: j.west@adelaidecitycouncil.com