What do we mean by ‘Homelessness’?

    In our draft Strategy homelessness means people who are rough sleeping or living in crisis accommodation, supported accommodation, boarding house accommodation, severely crowded accommodation, caravans (involuntary) or couch surfing.

    What is Council’s role in homelessness?

    Local governments manage public spaces and social infrastructure to support communities. Councils support the homelessness sector through leadership, partnership, facilitation and advocacy for services.

    City of Adelaide does not directly deliver services to people experiencing homelessness.

    The housing and homelessness sector in Australia is complex. A coordinated effort by all levels of government and non-government sectors is needed to end homelessness. 

    What is the City of Adelaide currently doing in the homelessness sector?

    City of Adelaide support for vulnerable people and the homelessness sector includes neighbourhood development, provision of community infrastructure, community impact grants, and providing support referrals to people sleeping rough in the city.

    •  Adelaide Zero Project: The City of Adelaide is a proud partner of the Adelaide Zero Project. The project is committed to ending street homelessness in the city so that the number of people who are, or were, sleeping rough in the inner city is no greater than the six-month average housing placement rate. The Adelaide Zero Project Dashboard tracks our progress.
    • Rate Rebates: City of Adelaide facilitates the delivery of specialist homelessness services by city based charitable organisations by providing up to 100 percent rate rebates (subject to eligibility). Ratepayers can apply for a reduced rate if they directly support homelessness.
    • Community Impact Grants: Community Impact Grants are provided to a range of community partners who support prevention of homelessness and homelessness responses. The allocation of grants considers capacity building of specialised homeless services, programs and events that engage the community, promote social inclusion and increase independence.
    • Community Impact Strategic Partnership: Community Impact Strategic Partnership for up to three years. Council offers these grants through a competitive process open to all community organisations. 
    • Sustainability Incentive Scheme: The Sustainability Incentive Scheme provides a range of financial incentives for people to address the cost-of-living pressures, such as energy efficiency improvements.

    I commented on the Homelessness, Social Housing and Housing Affordability Policy engagement last year, do I need to comment on the draft Housing Strategy?

    The development of the draft Homelessness Strategy has considered feedback received as part of the previous engagement, however as it now proposes goals and targets and more specific actions for the Council to undertake, we encourage new submissions on these elements in particular.

    What services are available to support homeless individuals in the City of Adelaide?