Previous Consultation Process

Stage 1 (23 Sept - 1 Nov)
We sought your ideas about how the community would like to use the Minor Works Building as a future community space. Your feedback also helped to identify community uses for the area directly surrounding the building.

Project background information:

Stage 2 (11 Nov - 20 Dec)
Using the feedback recieved from stage 1, Council staff worked further with the local community to identify key elements and principals that can guide the development of the future community space.

Project background information:

Stage 3 (April 2014)

On 8 April 2014 Council resolved that it “Endorses the Minor Works Building being maintained and operated by Council staff as an ongoing community asset”. A link to the report can be found here. View the report under Item 9 - 9. Minor Works Building Project.

Further updates following this decision will be communicated after presentations of a follow up report to Council in February 2015.

Now (February 2015)

A Council decision has now been made to establish the Minor Works Building as a flexible community space that will be owned and operated by Council. Council Adminstration is now working toward having the Minor Works Building open and available to the community in late 2015!

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Consultation has concluded.

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