Why do we need to review Hutt Street Library opening hours?

    Periodic reviews of opening hours help us understand when, why and how the community prefers to use the library. This information will be used to maximise council’s resources and add further value to the services provided to the community in the South East of the City.

    Is it possible that library hours will be increased?

    If there is a community demand for more hours on a particular day it is possible that library hours may be increased on that day.

    Is it possible that library hours will be reduced?

    It is possible that library hours will be reduced on particular days if the demand for those hours is low.

    Why do we need to review Hutt Street Library programing?

    Periodic reviews tell us how the needs of the community might be changing and support the delivery of relevant programs. This information will be used to maximise council’s resources and add further value to the services provided to the community in the South East of the City.

    How do I provide my feedback?

    Providing your feedback will only take a few minutes of your time. The feedback form can be completed on paper, online or with the assistance of Hutt Street Library staff:

    Feedback Form - on paper
    Feedback Forms are available at the library

    Feedback Form - online
    Provide your feedback online at the Hutt Street Library

    Feedback through Library staff
    Library staff can help you fill out a Feedback Form using a library iPad or computer.

    How do I know my feedback has been received?

    If you wish to receive an acknowledgement to your feedback then please provide your email address or postal address.

    What happens to my feedback?

    Community feedback will be analysed to determine when, why and how the Hutt Street Library is currently used, what the preferred opening hours are, and what kind of programing people would like to access.

    This information will contribute to a review and revision of Hutt Street Library opening hours and programing. The community will be informed of any changes in October 2015.

    Who do I contact for more information?

    Please contact:
    Belinda Van Drine
    Business Development Co-ordinator - Library services
    Ph 82037260
    Email b.vandrine@adelaidecitycouncil.com