
    What is a playspace?

    For the purposes of the engagement, a ‘playspace’ is defined as an outdoor area of public space –with or without play equipment – specifically intended for free unstructured children’s play. The space can include formal playground equipment, large areas of open space, landscaping, or natural features.

    What is nature play?

    ‘Nature play’ is generally regarded as unstructured outdoor play that is undertaken in a natural setting. Research across the world has found that this type of play is essential to the physical, mental and emotional health and well-being of children. Immersion in nature has also been associated with a number of health benefits for children, such as improved cognitive function, increased creativity, and improved interaction with adults, reduced attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms and enhanced mental health and emotional well-being. Through nature based play, unique sensory experiences can also be offered, which is often important in forming creative and imaginative play. It is this type of play where children will usually spend most time interacting with other children.

    How will the Playspace be funded?

    The Playspace development will be funded through Council’s 2015/16 annual Capital Works budget. $400k is currently proposed in the asset renewal program for urban elements.

    Who will deliver the Tidlangga Park 9 Playspace and by when?

    Council will lead the delivery of the design for the Tidlangga Park 9 Playspace in consultation with the community, key stakeholders and external partners including adjoining Council’s, state and federal government agencies, schools, community groups, developers and organisations. Once a plan has been finalised, the improvements will be constructed during the 2015/16 financial year the new playspace will open by July 2016.

    What type of playspace is being considered?

    The Draft Children’s Play Action Plan has nominated Tidlangga Park 9 as a small regional Playspace. At this point, we are gathering ideas from the community, so it’s early days! However, there are opportunities to create some new, unique and creative features.  Other elements we are considering are fencing, seating, pathways, the entrance points, and future activities in the surrounding area.

    Will the playspace be fenced?

    Due to the busy nature of Bundeys Road, sections of fence or barriers will form part of the design for safety reasons as required.

    Will the trees be retained?

    Yes. The mature trees will be protected and retained during construction works.

    Will any vegetation be removed?

    Some vegetation such as low shrubs may need to be removed to open sight lines into the playspace.

    When will the Lower North Adelaide Playground be decommissioned?

    The Lower North Adelaide Playground will be decommissioned during the 2016/17 financial year after Tidlangga (Park 9) playspace has been constructed.

Pocket Orchard

    Why were the locations chosen?

    The locations were identified due to many factors such as the proximity to residents, the character of the existing landscape, availability of space, known existing and future plans for Park Lands improvements, accessibility to other local residents and stakeholders and the complementary recreational activities the areas already provide (e.g. walking trail, playgrounds, community oval and court).

    Who will look after the trees?

    It is envisaged that the pocket orchard will be seen as a neighbourhood park that locals visit and interact informally rather than as “community garden” that is managed by a group. Therefore the general maintenance of the park and amenities will be the responsibility of Council. However, Council is open to discussing the ways in which the community would like to get involved and work in partnership e.g. planting days, maintaining trees, picking up dropped produce, seasonal working bees and so on.

    What trees can be planted?

    It is envisaged that both fruit and nut trees will be considered as part of this project depending on community interest. However, Council understands that the selection of tree species will need to be carefully considered in order to reduce the need for infrastructure such as netting, fencing and shading, as well as to minimise ongoing maintenance requirements.

    Who will be able to pick the fruit and how will that be managed?

    It is envisaged that the Pocket Orchard will be for community use and any of its produce will be available for the general public. Informative signage will be considered to ensure this message is communicated.

    How will any dropped fruit be managed?

    It is envisaged that the local community would harvest the produce to ensure that the risk of excess fruit dropping to be minimal.

    Can we net the trees?

    It is not envisaged that Council will be building netting or shading as part of this process. Whilst we recognise that this may preclude some species of trees that will be at a very high risk of wildlife destruction, there still remains a wide variety of trees that may be suitable without such infrastructure and Council welcomes the community’s ideas and suggestions.

    Can the local community have a say in any final design?

    Council is keen to encourage the interested local community members to participate as part of this process. If through this engagement there is community support identified, Council will work collaboratively with the local community on the final design. There is section in the feedback form which asks for your contact details for this purpose.

Further Info

    Who can I contact for further information?

    If you would like to discuss the projects with a staff member, please contact:

    Name: Janelle Arbon
    Title: Consultant – Design Projects
    Phone: 8203 7212
    Email Address:  


    Pocket Orchard
    Name: Chandler Giles
    Title: Community Development Officer
    Phone: 8203 7570
    Email Address:

    Are there alternative ways to provide my feedback?

    Yes, you can

    Complete a hard-copy pack located at our centres
    Drop into one of our 6 centres (libraries, communities, and customer centre(External link)) located around the City and North Adelaide and ask one of our friendly staff for a hard-copy consultation pack which contains project information and a submission form.

    Information Session
    Two information sessions will be held on the Saturday 14 February where staff will be on site to answer any questions and take feedback including collecting feedback forms.
    • The morning information session will be held at Tidlangga (Park 9) off Mackinnon Parade from 9am - 12pm and Council’s Imagination Playground will be available for children to play at this session.
    • The afternoon information session will be held at Nantu Wama (Park 6) off Lefevre Terrace from 1pm - 3pm.

    Email us
    Email your submissions through to

    Write to us
    All written submissions must be received by 5.00 pm on Tuesday 10 February 2015 and should be addressed to:
    Community Consultation
    North Adelaide Playspace and Pocket Orchard
    GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001