Picture Adelaide 2012 Hub (Stage 2): One City, Many Futures

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This consultation has concluded.

In April 2011, we have been seeking your input into planning for the future of the City of Adelaide. We have now completed the third and final stage of consultation.

Stage 1: Picture Adelaide
Earlier in 2011 you gave us nearly 3000 ideas, providing us with inspiration and direction for the city's future. Read the results of stage 1 in our document library.

Stage 2: One City, Many Futures
We used your ideas from stage 1, and research on city trends, we sought feedback on the three futures for Adelaide (creative, business and community futures). We also sought feedback on a draft city vision draft City Vision, Outcomes, Visions and Strategies as well as a transport vision for the city and locations of development Hotspots in the city. Read the results of Stage 2 consultation in our Related Documents section.

Related project pages:

Stage 3:
Stage 3 consultation was a final opportunity to comment on the following three draft strategic documents that will help shape the future of Adelaide.
Council Strategic Plan 2012 - 2016
Integrated Movement Strategy (transport)
Business Plan and Budget 2012/13

Please click through the links above, for a project update (and final outcome) of the three strategic documents.

In April 2011, we have been seeking your input into planning for the future of the City of Adelaide. We have now completed the third and final stage of consultation.

Stage 1: Picture Adelaide
Earlier in 2011 you gave us nearly 3000 ideas, providing us with inspiration and direction for the city's future. Read the results of stage 1 in our document library.

Stage 2: One City, Many Futures
We used your ideas from stage 1, and research on city trends, we sought feedback on the three futures for Adelaide (creative, business and community futures). We also sought feedback on a draft city vision draft City Vision, Outcomes, Visions and Strategies as well as a transport vision for the city and locations of development Hotspots in the city. Read the results of Stage 2 consultation in our Related Documents section.

Related project pages:

Stage 3:
Stage 3 consultation was a final opportunity to comment on the following three draft strategic documents that will help shape the future of Adelaide.
Council Strategic Plan 2012 - 2016
Integrated Movement Strategy (transport)
Business Plan and Budget 2012/13

Please click through the links above, for a project update (and final outcome) of the three strategic documents.

This consultation has concluded.
  • Vision, Outcomes and Strategies

    Share Vision, Outcomes and Strategies on Facebook Share Vision, Outcomes and Strategies on Twitter Share Vision, Outcomes and Strategies on Linkedin Email Vision, Outcomes and Strategies link

    To view the results of this consultation, go to the Picture Adelaide document library to read the 'feedback summary' and documents which collate your comments into key themes.

    To help tackle some of the issues affecting Adelaide's future, and to support the great ideas received through Picture Adelaide, we developed a draft vision and future outcomes for the City of Adelaide. We also developed strategies to work out how we'll get there.

    We recently sought your feedback. Read what others had to say in our online discussion forums and through an on-line survey.

    The next stage of consultation will occur in 2012, where your comments, ideas and suggestions will be reflected in Council's draft Strategic Plan 2012 - 2016.

    This document will be made available in 2012 for public comment before being adopted by Council.

  • Adelaide's Futures - Community, Business, Creative

    Share Adelaide's Futures - Community, Business, Creative on Facebook Share Adelaide's Futures - Community, Business, Creative on Twitter Share Adelaide's Futures - Community, Business, Creative on Linkedin Email Adelaide's Futures - Community, Business, Creative link

    To view the results of this consultation, go to the Picture Adelaide document library to read the 'feedback summary' and documents which collate your comments into key themes.

    Your ideas for the city (provided through Picture Adelaide) helped us to develop three strong futures for the city. Adelaide will be a place to live, work and play – a place where all these futures combine to create the ideal future city.

    Your ideas, our reseach and other plans for SA and the National Urban Policy have informed the development of Adelaide's Futures, Community, Business and Creative. These futures explore what might be possible in our city.

    To read the full story in more detail please read the background paper and evidence base documents. You can also read what others had to say in our online discussion forums.


  • Transport in the city

    Share Transport in the city on Facebook Share Transport in the city on Twitter Share Transport in the city on Linkedin Email Transport in the city link

    To view the results of this consultation, go to the Picture Adelaide document library to read the 'feedback summary' and other documents which collate your comments into key themes.

    Your ideas for the city (provided through Picture Adelaide) helped us to develop a draft Transport Map and a series of discussion papers that explored potential solutions to our future transport options.

    The next stage of consultation will occur in 2012, where your comments, ideas and suggestions will be reflected in Council's draft Integrated Movement Strategy (transport)

    This document will be made available in 2012 for public comment before being adopted by Council.

  • Hotspots - that shape the city's future

    Share Hotspots - that shape the city's future on Facebook Share Hotspots - that shape the city's future on Twitter Share Hotspots - that shape the city's future on Linkedin Email Hotspots - that shape the city's future link

    To view the results of this consultation, go to the Picture Adelaide document library to read the 'feedback summary' and other documents which collate your comments into key themes.

    Hotspots are places where things are changing, or there is the potential for significant change. Hotspots are where we expect to see a greater intensification of development, such as around many of the city squares, and along some of the most popular shopping and entertainment streets.

    View the Hotspots Map and see where significant change is planned and read what others had to say in our discussion forum.