What does the Plan include?

    The proposed inclusions in the Plan are:

    1. Park Lands Events Policy
    2. Park Lands Events Guidelines
    3. Park Lands Events Action Plan 2016-2020
    4. Park Lands Maps and Event Site Criteria 

    About the Policy 

    The current Events in the Park Lands Policy and Guidelines will be revised and merged into the Park Lands Events Management Plan.

    The following draft Policy Statements are included in the document for consultation:

    Council will:
    • Attract culturally diverse events of all types and sizes, that delight and inspire, to create vibrancy across the Park Lands
    • Support respectful co-existence between events and the local community and residents, aiming for cooperative business and social opportunities which provide benefits for all, by ensuring a good fit between an event type and an event site 
    • Support event organisers to hold welcoming, accessible and safe events for all that leave people of all backgrounds with lasting positive memories of our City.
    There are also draft policy positions on Consultation and Engagement; Application and Approvals, Care and Custodianship of the Park Lands and Fees and Charges. 

    About the Guidelines

    The Guidelines provide more specific guidance for event organisers and Council in managing events in the Park Lands, in order to achieve Council policy.

    The current Guidelines have been revised and simplified, and have been placed in four categories:
    1. Planning a Great Event
    2. Community Engagement
    3. Access to the Park Lands
    4. Caring for the Park Lands
    Each event will be required to complete its own Event Management Plan which will cover the operational detail of the event, to ensure the Guidelines are met.

    About the Action Plan

    The Action Plan sets out the nine initiatives that Council will undertake in the next four years to achieve its vision for events in the Park Lands, and to realise the Draft Park Lands Management Plan Strategy 1.5: Create spaces to accommodate cultural, sporting, artistic and recreational events of varying types and sizes. 

    About the Event Sites Maps

    The last part of the document is a series of maps to show the event sites and categories as a Premium, Popular and Potential sites.

    Why have the Premium, Popular and Potential categories been developed?

    The research and analysis phase of the project showed that the Premium sites are highly valued, have the highest demand, best infrastructure and yet also needed recovery time to maintain the expectations of public access and amenity. It also found that there are a range of other areas that, if encouraged, could be made more attractive for event use, to reduce the pressure on Premium sites and the community around the Premium sites. 

    Why are there five Pilot sites within the Potential category?

    To meet the objectives of the Park Lands Management Strategy, an opportunity exists to create and promote more event sites in the Park Lands, and to encourage event organisers and the community to use them. Images of the pilot sites can be seen here.

    How long is the consultation open for?

    Consultation opens Wednesday, 30 March and closes 5pm Friday, 22 April, 2016.

    When will the final Park Lands Events Management Plan 2016-2020 be available?

    The final Park Lands Events Management Plan 2016-2020 is scheduled to be adopted by Council on 24 May 2016 following appropriate amendments resulting from public consultation.

    How do I provide my feedback?

    There are a number of ways in which you can provide feedback:

    Feedback Form
    These are available online, at our Customer Service Centre at 25 Pirie Street, and at our libraries and community centres.

    Written Submissions
    All written submissions must be received by 5pm Friday 22 April and should be addressed to:

    Community Consultation
    Park Lands Events Management Plan
    GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001

    Submissions must include the name and residential address of the respondent, and will be included in a report to Council which will be publicly available. 

    Alternatively comments can be emailed to yoursay@adelaidecitycouncil.com.

    What happens to my feedback?

    All feedback will be considered in shaping the final document. Council will be provided with a report of all consultation feedback.

    How do I know my feedback has been received?

    All feedback forms, submissions or correspondence will be acknowledged either by email or in writing so that you know your comments/feedback has been received.