Who can I contact for more information?

    For more information, please contact:

    Beth Thackray on 8203 7437 or b.thackray@adelaidecitycouncil.com

    How do I stay in touch with updates on the project?

    Register here and you will receive updates on the project

    What has changed to the private open space design considerations?

    The overall Development Plan for the Residential Zones contains ‘private open space’, ‘private landscaped open space’, and ‘landscaped open space’ standards. This range of policies is overly complex in practice and with the intent lost.
    This DPA proposes to adjust private open space standards for housing up to 3 storeys with the intent of being both rationalised and similar to the standards that apply in the 2013 Development Plan.

    What is happening with the Renewal SA sites of Pope Court and Manitoba?

    This DPA proposes zoning that would allow the sites to be redeveloped for housing of up to 8 storeys (the current Plan allows redevelopment for housing of upto 2 storeys).  Both sites are large in size, and located near the location of the future tram route, as well as the north south bikeway.  These factors contribute to the opportunity for the sites to be able to accommodate a greater amount of dwellings whilst fitting in with nearby housing. 

    Renewal SA are managing the redevelopment of the Pope Court site on behalf of the State Government.  During 2013, Renewal SA commenced seeking expressions of interest from housing developers for redevelopment of the Pope Court site.  Any housing proposed would need a development application to be lodged and assessed regarding the relevant Development Plan.

    Consultation on this Residential and Main Street DPA provides the opportunity for any city stakeholders and community members (including  residents who live in the two sites, residents who live nearby, housing developers, or Renewal SA) to provide a submission on the proposed zoning in the DPA.

    Council officers are in contact with Renewal SA officers in order to coordinate communication on the different but related projects.

    For more information please contact Renewal SA:

    EoI Box Factory Process enquiries to Warwick Stuart, Director, Planning, Renewal SA on 8207 1415.

    Housing SA tenancy matters enquiries to Bronwyn Mieglich, Team Leader, Housing SA Eastern Region on 8207 0008

    Are any buildings proposed to be heritage listed?

    No buildings or places are proposed to be heritage listed as a part this Residential and Main Street DPA. Heritage listings were not part of the Statement of Intent agreed with the Minister for Planning. The completed City Heritage – Residential and Main Street (Hutt) Development Plan Amendment in 2010 proposed additional buildings for local heritage listing in the south west and south east parts of Adelaide.

    I live near a main street. How will my amenity be protected?

    Amenity considerations in development applications seek to balance the impact of different land uses. There is a fine balance between residential areas and main street areas. Main streets are the centre of activity offering walkable communities with access to local employment opportunities, goods and services and quality places for our community’s enjoyment.

    Development applications located in a Main Street Zone will be assessed to ensure that their impacts on surrounding residential areas are mitigated through:

    • assessment of impacts, such as noise, from proposed non-residential land uses
    • careful design of buildings at the interface with residential areas,
    • a mix of transport options to minimise the impacts of parking and traffic on the local street networks.

    I live in a residential area. How will my amenity be protected?

    As maintaining the amenity and pleasantness of the City’s south east and south west corners is important, the DPA maintains standards for the assessment of new development, such as additions or dwellings.

    New development will be assessed in relation to a range of policies, including how well it contributes to the character of the area, and whether its impact is acceptable, such as in terms of shadow, overlooking and building bulk.

    I own a business. How does this DPA affect me? I want to run a business, how does this DPA affect me?

    This DPA reinforces the role of the Main Street Zones of O’Connell Street, Melbourne East and Hutt Street as centres of commercial activity. The proposed zoning allows for businesses to establish, and also to expand, with the additional floor space offered by the proposed increased heights. Provided applications address the impacts to adjoining residential areas, the Main Streets will continue to provide a place for business and economic activity.

    The Mixed Use (Melbourne West) Zone is supported for ‘mixed uses’ such as consulting rooms, offices and dwellings, with additional floor space offered by the proposed increased height. Apart from on catalyst sites, retail is not envisaged for Melbourne Street west, with retail instead to be focussed in Melbourne Street east.
    The proposed City Living Zone and Adelaide Historic (Conservation) Zone also propose to continue to allow small scale commercial land uses to be accommodated as follows:

    • In the South Central Policy Area (at ground floor)
    • In the South Terrace Policy Area (at ground floor)
    • On a ‘catalyst site’ fronting South Terrace or East Terrace
    • Fronting Sturt Street (west of Whitmore Square)
    • In a heritage building originally design for non-residential use
    • On a site already in use for non-residential purposes
    • On the Pope Court or Manitoba Renewal SA sites

    These two zones are primarily intended for residential use. The existing Development Plan clearly envisages non-residential development in the Capital City Zone and Main Street Zones. Nonetheless, small scale, localised shops, cafes and other non-residential uses in these two zones provide local services, employment and activity that add to the amenity and attraction of the areas.

    • What are ‘catalyst sites’ and where do they apply?

    ‘Catalyst sites’ were introduced by the Minister for Planning as a part of the Capital City DPA in 2012. Following the Capital City DPA, the Development Plan sets out that catalyst site policy applies in the:

    • Main Street Zones (O’Connell, Melbourne East, Melbourne West, Hutt and Adelaide)
    • City Frame Zone
    • Residential Zones fronting East Terrace and South Terrace.

    Catalyst site policy applies in the above locations and when sites are greater than 1500 square metres. This may include one or more allotment. Catalyst site policy generally means that development will be of medium to high scale and exemplify quality and contemporary design. Development will have high regard to its context and be designed to carefully manage the interface with any residential development, particularly with regard to massing; proportions; overshadowing; and traffic and noise-related impacts.

    The Minister’s May 2013 agreement to the Residential and Main Street DPA was conditional on catalyst site policy as introduced by the Capital City DPA being maintained. As such, this Residential

    I want to know more of the detail about the DPA?

    The ‘Explanatory Statement’ and ‘Analysis’ sections of the DPA provide more information regarding:

    Strategic Policy

    Land Use and Street Character:

    • Residential Areas (including land use, built character and Housing SA sites)
    • Main Streets (including street character, interface and views)
    • Public Notification
    • St Andrews Hospital

    Main Street Services/Local Retail/Licensed Premises

    Private Open Space

    Retail Analysis

    Social Infrastructure

    Early Community Feedback

    Statutory Policy in other jurisdictions

    Population Yield

    What is the difference between the Capital City DPA and the Residential and Main Street DPA?

    The Capital City DPA was introduced by the State Government in 2012, and focused primarily on the City centre. With some exceptions, this can be seen as the area bordered by Gouger/Angas Street, West Terrace, North Terrace and East Terrace. This DPA also altered South Terrace, Hurtle and Whitmore Squares, O’Connell Street south of Tynte Street, and introduced catalyst site policies along Hutt, O’Connell and Melbourne Streets, and East and South Terraces.

    The Residential and Main Street DPA will consider policy changes in the Residential Zones located in the south-east and south-west corners of the City and the Main Street Zones, including Hutt Street, O’Connell Street and Melbourne Street.

    What were the key policies introduced in 2012?

    In 2012, the Capital City DPA and City Centre Heritage DPA were introduced.
    Key changes were as follows:

    Capital City DPA
    The State Government introduced the Capital City Development Plan Amendment in March 2012 as a step towards revitalising our capital city and transforming it into a more vibrant, attractive and liveable place where people will want to live, visit, invest and build their businesses.
    Key policy changes include:

    • changes in building heights (see map below)
    • a greater mix of uses (housing, shops, cafes, restaurants and offices)
    • better links between ground floors and public spaces
    • more vibrant main streets (Rundle, Hindley, Gouger and O’Connell streets)
    • better defined boulevards (such as King William, Grote and Wakefield streets)
    • activation of the city squares and Park Lands
    • removal of barriers to innovative design
    • adaptable student housing
    • innovative development on ‘catalyst sites’ that encourage more vibrant neighbourhoods.

    New application process: Design Review Panels: At the time of this Capital City amendment in 2012, a new Regulation introduced Design Review Panels for development projects over $10 million in order to be reviewed by the State Government Architect. This review process aims to promote high-quality, innovative design early in the development process and seek that buildings are better connected with their surroundings. For more information about this process, go to the Office for Design and Architecture. http://odasa.sa.gov.au/design-reviews-2/

    How did Residential Zones and Main Street DPA come about?

    Over time, policies in Development Plans need to be amended to reflect changes in local and state government policy and priorities.

    The Minister for Planning’s Capital City DPA (subject to consultation in April 2012) proposed changes to the centre of the City.

    As part of a “Heads of Agreement” between Council and the Minister for Planning, Council agreed that by the end of March 2013, it would complete a DPA for the residential areas in the south-east and south-west corners of the City and the Main Street zones, including Hutt, O’Connell and Melbourne Streets.