Why is this project happening?

    The building asset has reached its end of life and is no longer compliant with current standards.

    What are the benefits of this project?

    To provide a safe, clean and low maintenance toilet facility in Park 17.

    To locate a facility where high usage and passive surveillance is guaranteed.

    Will any trees be removed as part of this project?

    The proposed location will not involve any tree removal.

    Will my input make a difference?

    Your feedback will help inform the City of Adelaide Asset Team on the location. It will assist the City of Adelaide Technical Design Team in developing a future concept.

    Why is the public being consulted at this stage?

    When relocating or building within the Park Lands, we want to hear feedback from the community, and take that information to the Kadatilla Advisory Group to reinforce any change in location or new build in the Park Lands.