Draft 2019-2020 Integrated Business Plan (IBP)

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Consultation has concluded.

Give us your feedback on the draft 2019-20 Integrated Business Plan

Regarding the consultation on the Draft 2019-20 Integrated Business Plan, please see the following:

  1. Public consultation on the draft 2019-20 Integrated Business Plan commenced on 08 May 2019 and concluded on 29 May 2019. During this time, Council received 28 formal submissions.
    The draft IBP was presented at a public budget forum held on 13 May 2019, concluding with a question and answer session.
  2. A public meeting was held on 28 May 2019 where the public were welcomed to speak to their submission.

Five key ‘themes’ emerged from the submissions received as follows:

  • Infrastructure Program
  • Bikeways
  • Park Lands
  • Community Spaces
  • Sustainability

Project Information

Please see newsfeed below for project background and information.

Give us your feedback on the draft 2019-20 Integrated Business Plan

Regarding the consultation on the Draft 2019-20 Integrated Business Plan, please see the following:

  1. Public consultation on the draft 2019-20 Integrated Business Plan commenced on 08 May 2019 and concluded on 29 May 2019. During this time, Council received 28 formal submissions.
    The draft IBP was presented at a public budget forum held on 13 May 2019, concluding with a question and answer session.
  2. A public meeting was held on 28 May 2019 where the public were welcomed to speak to their submission.

Five key ‘themes’ emerged from the submissions received as follows:

  • Infrastructure Program
  • Bikeways
  • Park Lands
  • Community Spaces
  • Sustainability

Project Information

Please see newsfeed below for project background and information.

Consultation has concluded.
  • Project background and information

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    Project Information

    The Integrated Business Plan is the key annual operational and financial planning document of the City of Adelaide. It describes what services and projects we plan to provide in the upcoming financial year and how we propose to allocate our budget.

    It has been developed in the context of delivering Council’s long term strategic direction set out in the Strategic Management Plan documents required under the Local Government Act 1999. These include the City of Adelaide 2016-2020 Strategic Plan (the Strategic Plan) and Asset Management Plans.

    These plans outline our objectives over a four-year period in order to achieve the Strategic Plan vision for the city – that Adelaide is a welcoming and dynamic city full of rich and diverse experiences. They show how the we intend to achieve our vision through sustainable growth and the responsibility to provide quality and value in local government services for ratepayers, with wider responsibilities under the City of Adelaide Act 1998 in managing the city and the Park Lands on behalf of residents of the city and the broader community.

    The Integrated Business Plan aligns with the four themes identified in the Strategic Plan: Smart, Green, Liveable and Creative. It is the result of a rigorous process of review and challenge to every aspect of projected revenue and expenditure with a strong focus on efficiency and alignment to the Strategic Plan.


    Councillors endorsed the draft budget on Tuesday 30 April 2019. Click here to read the media release.

  • 2019-20 Highlights

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    • Relieving the cost of living and cost pressures on city residents and businesses by freezing the rate in the dollar for the fifth consecutive year and the removal of outdoor dining fees
    • Enhancing the City’s streets by expanding the green canopy in the City’s south west and north west, continuing the Jeffcott Street heritage renewal, and completing the Gawler Place Development
    • Progressing with the Central Market Arcade Redevelopment into a thriving, mixed-use location to grow the market offer with expanded and complementary retail and market activities
    • A strong commitment to significant and sustained investment in the City’s Infrastructure with $38.2 million allocated for the next financial year
    • Progressing climate change initiatives to deliver our strategic goal for the City of Adelaide to be the one of the world’s first carbon neutral cities
    • Progressing the redevelopment of the 88 O’Connell Street site to achieve a mixed-use development that enhances the vitality of the O’Connell Street precinct
    • Furthering our reputation as a connected and smart city with the continued rollout of Ten Gigabit Adelaide
    • Working with our Strategic Partners (such as Adelaide Convention Bureau, State Government, Renew Adelaide, StudyAdelaide, Festivals Adelaide and Music SA) to promote Adelaide as a destination to do business, study, visit and perform
    • Delivering community celebrations, such as Christmas and New Year’s Eve, that are open and inclusive, and provide a safe and family friendly environment in the City
    • Providing sponsorship/grant funding support to assist art, cultural and community groups and organisations in delivering inspiring art, cultural and multicultural activities, events, programs and services
    • Development of the City of Adelaide 2020-2024 Strategic Plan to guide Council’s agenda and vision over the next four years
    • Attracting new financial investment and businesses to establish in the City, and support existing businesses to grow their presence in the City
    • Promotion of Adelaide to local, national and international markets, increasing awareness and enhancing the reputation of the City to help deliver economic, sociocultural and environmentally sustainable outcomes for the City
    • Activating Hutt Street with a creative, cultural and recreational hub
    • Developing a new approach to business waste and recycling services including a best-practice approach for waste reduction
    • Supporting owners in the conservation, upgrade and use of their heritage places through the Heritage Incentives Scheme and Façade Improvement Incentive Scheme
    • A range of projects and initiatives that will be undertaken to strengthen meaningful relationships with the Kaurna community.