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Council has requested staff to investigate and trial motorcycle and scooter parking on designated footpaths areas to cater for existing parking demand, and to also encourage more people to come into the city by motorcycles and scooters.

Council has been working with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI) and SA Police (SAPOL) to setup the trial, given it is not currently practiced in South Australia.

Benefits of trialing motorcycle and scooter parking on footpaths in the city include:

  • Meeting existing demand for motorcycle and scooter parking spaces,
  • Encouraging more motorcycles and scooters into the city, and
  • Explore the potential to set up other locations based on the trial outcomes / feedback.

Guiding principles have been adopted in identifying locations that may be suitable for motorcycle and scooter parking on footpaths:

  • Only where there are low pedestrian volumes.
  • Not located along a pedestrian desire line impeding on pedestrian mobility. .
  • Where there is demand for motorcycle and scooter parking (office/commercial precincts).
  • Where the space is in essence considered left over space with low potential for other uses.

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