Why is the Adelaide High School Rowing Club applying for a 21 year lease?

    The Adelaide High School Rowing Club is applying for a 21 year lease to secure its financial investment in the club rooms located in Karrawirra (Park 12) and to continue its School & Community Rowing Programs in a city centre context.

    As an individual will I still be able to participate in rowing activities on the River Torrens?

    The 21 year lease over the building in Karrawirra (Park 12) will not change the way individuals and the community currently access rowing programs and the River Torrens.

    How will this affect the users of Karrawirra (Park 12)?

    It is envisaged that the proposed 21 year lease will not affect users of Karrawirra (Park 12). As currently experienced, the community will continue to benefit from public participation in Karrawirra (Park 12).

    What change will be seen?

    There is no proposed change to the leased area associated with this lease.

    The proposed leased area is currently under the management and control of the Adelaide High School and this will be a continued arrangement.

    What are the fees and will they be discounted over the 21 year period?

    The fees that are associated with this lease are determined in accordance with the Park Lands Property Strategy which can be found at by clicking here.

    No discount is being offered to the Adelaide High School Rowing Club in exchange for the proposed longer term lease.

    Are there alternative ways to provide my feedback?

    Yes, you could:

    Grab a Hardcopy Pack
    Our Customer, Libraries and Community Centres have hardcopy Consultation Packs available.

    Email us
    Comments can be emailed to l.morgan@adelaidecitycouncil.com

    Write to us
    All written submissions must be received by 5.00 pm on the 8 November 2013 and should be addressed to:
    Community Consultation
    Adelaide High School Rowing Club: 21 Year Lease
    GPO Box 2252, Adelaide SA 5001