Draft Budget and Infrastructure Plans

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Consultation has concluded.

Thank you for your participation! There were over 2,700 unique visitors to this page - representing almost a quarter of our active Your Say Adelaide users.

Project Update - July 2021

From March to May this year, we consulted on our Rating Policy, Business Plan and Budget, Long Term Financial Plan and our Strategic Asset Management Plan. At the close of the 9 weeks of consultation 356 responses were received via surveys, quick polls or written submissions.

The plan, budget and priorities for the year ahead focus strongly on helping our City and Community recover and grow from the impacts of COVID and to attract people back into the City.

Council’s Rating Policy

The community feedback received was used as a point of consideration along with other factors in deciding which changes would be approved for inclusion.

At the Council meeting held on the 8 June 2021, Council approved the following changes to the Policy, being the first since 2015:

  • Removal of the Pensioner and Self-Funded- Retiree Concession
  • Change to the basis of rating vacant land.

Our consultation summary report for Stages 1 and 2 can be read by clicking here. To find out more and download copies of all these plans please click here.

Thank you for your participation! There were over 2,700 unique visitors to this page - representing almost a quarter of our active Your Say Adelaide users.

Project Update - July 2021

From March to May this year, we consulted on our Rating Policy, Business Plan and Budget, Long Term Financial Plan and our Strategic Asset Management Plan. At the close of the 9 weeks of consultation 356 responses were received via surveys, quick polls or written submissions.

The plan, budget and priorities for the year ahead focus strongly on helping our City and Community recover and grow from the impacts of COVID and to attract people back into the City.

Council’s Rating Policy

The community feedback received was used as a point of consideration along with other factors in deciding which changes would be approved for inclusion.

At the Council meeting held on the 8 June 2021, Council approved the following changes to the Policy, being the first since 2015:

  • Removal of the Pensioner and Self-Funded- Retiree Concession
  • Change to the basis of rating vacant land.

Our consultation summary report for Stages 1 and 2 can be read by clicking here. To find out more and download copies of all these plans please click here.

Consultation has concluded.

Got a question about any of these consultations? Please ask it here. We will strive to answer your question within 3 business days.

  • Share Could Council putting effort into planning more environmental projects like Christies Walk, Urban Ecology projects. And can we put a halt to any tree removal. We need climate change initiatives RIGHT now. on Facebook Share Could Council putting effort into planning more environmental projects like Christies Walk, Urban Ecology projects. And can we put a halt to any tree removal. We need climate change initiatives RIGHT now. on Twitter Share Could Council putting effort into planning more environmental projects like Christies Walk, Urban Ecology projects. And can we put a halt to any tree removal. We need climate change initiatives RIGHT now. on Linkedin Email Could Council putting effort into planning more environmental projects like Christies Walk, Urban Ecology projects. And can we put a halt to any tree removal. We need climate change initiatives RIGHT now. link

    Could Council putting effort into planning more environmental projects like Christies Walk, Urban Ecology projects. And can we put a halt to any tree removal. We need climate change initiatives RIGHT now.

    val maslen asked about 3 years ago

    Thank you for asking your question.

    Council is committed to environmental sustainability initiatives and tackling the impacts of climate change. Our 2020 - 2024 Strategic Plan includes a pillar dedicated to Environmental Leadership with key actions on increasing street tree canopy, implementing city wide waste and recycling improvements, community support to be zero waste and to adapt to climate change and to enhance the biodiversity of our Park Lands. The City of Adelaide was recently certified as a carbon neutral organisation and continues to provide incentives to businesses and residents to reduce their carbon footprint and energy use through our Sustainability Incentive Scheme. We have recently launched a program to provide assistance and advice to businesses to help them reduce energy use. Council is also working with other eastern metropolitan councils to implement strategies to adapt to the impacts of climate change through the Resilient East initiative. Included in our Draft 2021 - 2022 Business Plan and Budget is a City Greening Capital project and Whitmore Square Greening.

    If you have any other queries please don't hesitate to get back in touch.