Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2022-2023

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Consultation has concluded.

Thank you for your valuable feedback on our key annual planning document!

Project Update - August 2022

We consulted on our Business Plan and Budget from May - June this year. We thank everyone who considered the information and provided feedback. There were over 970 unique visitors to this page. At the close of the 3+ weeks of consultation, 109 responses were received via surveys, quick polls or written submissions.

The plan, budget and priorities for the year contain numerous initiatives with a focus on ‘future proofing’ our city and continued investment and support for its recovery, underpinned by our Strategic Plan.

Our consultation summary report can be read by clicking here. To find out more, you can download a copy of the final document or the summary brochure by clicking here.

Public Hearing Announced

The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration was lifted by the State Government on 24 May 2022. In response to this, Council gives public notice of its intention to invite members of the public to ask questions and/or make submissions for a period of at least one hour. The ordinary meeting of the Council will begin at 5:30pm on Tuesday, 14 June 2022 in the Council Chambers, City of Adelaide Town Hall.

Project Information

The 2022-2023 Business Plan and Budget is our key annual operational and financial planning document. It delivers Year 3 of the City of Adelaide 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan, with a vision of ‘Adelaide. The most liveable city in the world.’ This annual plan sets out the key projects, priorities and services that we will deliver, our sources of revenue, and how we propose to allocate our budget and other resources to achieve this.

Council is committed to maintaining quality services and facilities for our community. With a future proofing focus, we will deliver services which attract people to live, work, play, study, visit and undertake business within the city. We are proud to have delivered and maintained a $4.7m budget repair as well as finding $7.5m through efficiencies to support Reignite Adelaide. We will continue to focus on responsible financial management without impact to services in 2022/23. Our budget proposes a small deficit position of $214,000. Council is committed to being innovative with the resources we have, to be deliberate about improving service efficiency, to identify new revenue sources, to manage risks and create new opportunities for income.

Thank you for your valuable feedback on our key annual planning document!

Project Update - August 2022

We consulted on our Business Plan and Budget from May - June this year. We thank everyone who considered the information and provided feedback. There were over 970 unique visitors to this page. At the close of the 3+ weeks of consultation, 109 responses were received via surveys, quick polls or written submissions.

The plan, budget and priorities for the year contain numerous initiatives with a focus on ‘future proofing’ our city and continued investment and support for its recovery, underpinned by our Strategic Plan.

Our consultation summary report can be read by clicking here. To find out more, you can download a copy of the final document or the summary brochure by clicking here.

Public Hearing Announced

The COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration was lifted by the State Government on 24 May 2022. In response to this, Council gives public notice of its intention to invite members of the public to ask questions and/or make submissions for a period of at least one hour. The ordinary meeting of the Council will begin at 5:30pm on Tuesday, 14 June 2022 in the Council Chambers, City of Adelaide Town Hall.

Project Information

The 2022-2023 Business Plan and Budget is our key annual operational and financial planning document. It delivers Year 3 of the City of Adelaide 2020 – 2024 Strategic Plan, with a vision of ‘Adelaide. The most liveable city in the world.’ This annual plan sets out the key projects, priorities and services that we will deliver, our sources of revenue, and how we propose to allocate our budget and other resources to achieve this.

Council is committed to maintaining quality services and facilities for our community. With a future proofing focus, we will deliver services which attract people to live, work, play, study, visit and undertake business within the city. We are proud to have delivered and maintained a $4.7m budget repair as well as finding $7.5m through efficiencies to support Reignite Adelaide. We will continue to focus on responsible financial management without impact to services in 2022/23. Our budget proposes a small deficit position of $214,000. Council is committed to being innovative with the resources we have, to be deliberate about improving service efficiency, to identify new revenue sources, to manage risks and create new opportunities for income.

Consultation has concluded.

Got a question about this consultation? Please ask it here. We will strive to answer your question within 3 business days.

  • Share How possible would it be to haveTai Chi in the parks? That would be great. Especially Victoria Square. on Facebook Share How possible would it be to haveTai Chi in the parks? That would be great. Especially Victoria Square. on Twitter Share How possible would it be to haveTai Chi in the parks? That would be great. Especially Victoria Square. on Linkedin Email How possible would it be to haveTai Chi in the parks? That would be great. Especially Victoria Square. link

    How possible would it be to haveTai Chi in the parks? That would be great. Especially Victoria Square.

    tricia.moorfield@gmail.com asked about 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question!

    Council’s 'Community Connections' team works in partnership with residents, community groups and organisations throughout the city and North Adelaide, supporting opportunities for residents to meet and build connections, share interests and learn new skills. This is done using our community spaces such as community centres and libraries, as well as other neighbourhood spaces, parks and squares, for varied activities which include fitness and wellbeing sessions.

    Please contact Jane Laws, Project Lead, Community Connections who can discuss potential opportunities such as Tai Chi and also advise you what other activities are currently available: J.Laws@cityofadelaide.com.au.