Fitness Activity Permit Evaluation

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Consultation has concluded

Eighteen months ago a personal trainer permit system was introduced into the Park Lands and Council is now undertaking an evaluation to identify opportunities for improvements to the system that will be supported by the fitness industry.

This engagement is to evaluate the current Fitness Activity Permit System. We are seeking input/feedback from personal trainers, fitness groups, fitness businesses, local Councils and anyone with an interest in commercial fitness permit systems from around the country.

One of the desired outcomes is to increase the number of permit holders using the Park Lands which assures Council that all permitted trainers are qualified to do their work, have the relevant insurances in place as well as being a “registered exercise professional” with Fitness Australia. Another is to ensure that we give everyone within the fitness industry around the nation the opportunity to have their say in regards to the permit system that enables fitness businesses to operate in the Adelaide Park Lands.

The evaluation of the system will include;

  • Asking Personal Trainers and Fitness groups that USE the Adelaide Park Lands to undertake a short survey.
  • Seeking general comments from the Australian Fitness Industry and individuals.
  • comparing Adelaide City Council’s current Fitness Activity Permit system Guidelines to the recently adopted “Outdoor Training Guidelines” and “Recommendations of the provision of commercial fitness services in public areas” developed by Fitness Australia.

Please read the consultation pack for background information on this project.

Eighteen months ago a personal trainer permit system was introduced into the Park Lands and Council is now undertaking an evaluation to identify opportunities for improvements to the system that will be supported by the fitness industry.

This engagement is to evaluate the current Fitness Activity Permit System. We are seeking input/feedback from personal trainers, fitness groups, fitness businesses, local Councils and anyone with an interest in commercial fitness permit systems from around the country.

One of the desired outcomes is to increase the number of permit holders using the Park Lands which assures Council that all permitted trainers are qualified to do their work, have the relevant insurances in place as well as being a “registered exercise professional” with Fitness Australia. Another is to ensure that we give everyone within the fitness industry around the nation the opportunity to have their say in regards to the permit system that enables fitness businesses to operate in the Adelaide Park Lands.

The evaluation of the system will include;

  • Asking Personal Trainers and Fitness groups that USE the Adelaide Park Lands to undertake a short survey.
  • Seeking general comments from the Australian Fitness Industry and individuals.
  • comparing Adelaide City Council’s current Fitness Activity Permit system Guidelines to the recently adopted “Outdoor Training Guidelines” and “Recommendations of the provision of commercial fitness services in public areas” developed by Fitness Australia.

Please read the consultation pack for background information on this project.

Consultation has concluded
  • Project Update - October 2014

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    This engagement is currently closed with feedback being reviewed internally. Actions arising from this evaluation will occur direct from the Adelaide City Council Active City team.