Sports Clubrooms Proposal Tidlangga (Park 9)

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Consultation has concluded

Jan 2017 Update: This project is still in development as Prince Alfred College (as the lessee and ultimate funder of the building) and Council have been examining multiple design and cost options over the last 12 months.

It is hoped that a resolution will be presented to Adelaide Park Lands Authority in April or May 2017 and, following that, to Council for endorsement.

Update: During November 2015, Council undertook community engagement on a proposal by Prince Alfred Old Collegians Association (PAOCA) to establish a new sports clubroom in Tidlangga (Park 9). (See news article below for information)

80% of residents living on MacKinnon Parade (between Mann Tce and Jerningham St) were visited and interviewed. In total, 56 written responses were received. Over one third (38%) were City ratepayers.

In relation to positive and negative comments raised about the proposal, people were generally more positive. However, a number of key issues were raised in relation to the use/function of the building (and liquor licensing), the size/area of the building, and car parking. As such, Council will be working with PAOCA to review their proposal in line with the feedback received from you.

The findings of this engagement will be presented to the Adelaide Park Lands Authority in March 2016, followed by the relevant Committee of Council in April 2016.

A summary of the community engagement results is provided HERE. A full report on the community engagement prepared by consulting firm Concepts of Change is available HERE.

Click here to download Existing View & Proposed View

Click here to download Proposed Building Plan

Jan 2017 Update: This project is still in development as Prince Alfred College (as the lessee and ultimate funder of the building) and Council have been examining multiple design and cost options over the last 12 months.

It is hoped that a resolution will be presented to Adelaide Park Lands Authority in April or May 2017 and, following that, to Council for endorsement.

Update: During November 2015, Council undertook community engagement on a proposal by Prince Alfred Old Collegians Association (PAOCA) to establish a new sports clubroom in Tidlangga (Park 9). (See news article below for information)

80% of residents living on MacKinnon Parade (between Mann Tce and Jerningham St) were visited and interviewed. In total, 56 written responses were received. Over one third (38%) were City ratepayers.

In relation to positive and negative comments raised about the proposal, people were generally more positive. However, a number of key issues were raised in relation to the use/function of the building (and liquor licensing), the size/area of the building, and car parking. As such, Council will be working with PAOCA to review their proposal in line with the feedback received from you.

The findings of this engagement will be presented to the Adelaide Park Lands Authority in March 2016, followed by the relevant Committee of Council in April 2016.

A summary of the community engagement results is provided HERE. A full report on the community engagement prepared by consulting firm Concepts of Change is available HERE.

Click here to download Existing View & Proposed View

Click here to download Proposed Building Plan