Post-Event Questionnaire

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Consultation has concluded

Congratulations on delivering your event! We hope that the event was everything you aspired it to be and that it delivered exciting and culturally enriching experiences for your attendees.

Please find below a questionnaire which has been developed to help City of Adelaide staff understand the experience you had with Council and how we can support you even more in the delivery of future events. You can view the questionnaire by downloading the file below. Please note that you will not be able to submit answers using this document. All answers must be submitted online via the Your Say website.

Post-Event Questionnaire

Some of the questions contained within this survey also ask you to tell us how your event may have supported the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020.

Responses to this questionnaire will provide us with:

  • An opportunity to hear first hard how we can better attract and support events in the City of Adelaide.
  • Data that shows trends in events and where there are gaps in event experiences in the City, and
  • Data on how events in Adelaide support the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020 as well as the event organiser’s strategic targets.

Responses to surveys will be provided to Council for reporting purposes in the first instance. In some instances, we would welcome the opportunity to share your responses with key external organisations with an interest in a precinct of Adelaide (e.g. the Adelaide Riverbank Authority have an interest in the Adelaide Riverbank). Providing information to external organisations will help them to understand how to better target support for events. Sharing of information is optional. The questionnaire will provide an opportunity for you to tell us whether or not you approve of your answers being shared with external organisations.

Please allow for approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. Please press save at the bottom of the survey as needed, so that you can return to the survey at a convenient time. If you need any assistance with completing the survey please contact your Event Facilitator.

A summary of all of your answers can be downloaded and printed at the end of the survey.

This is the first time that the City of Adelaide is implementing a post-event questionnaire. To help us understand whether this questionnaire has been useful for you or if you have any comments on how this questionnaire could be improved, please tell us in Section 6 of the Questionnaire.

The questionnaire is due to your Event Facilitator within 8 weeks of delivering the event.

Congratulations on delivering your event! We hope that the event was everything you aspired it to be and that it delivered exciting and culturally enriching experiences for your attendees.

Please find below a questionnaire which has been developed to help City of Adelaide staff understand the experience you had with Council and how we can support you even more in the delivery of future events. You can view the questionnaire by downloading the file below. Please note that you will not be able to submit answers using this document. All answers must be submitted online via the Your Say website.

Post-Event Questionnaire

Some of the questions contained within this survey also ask you to tell us how your event may have supported the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020.

Responses to this questionnaire will provide us with:

  • An opportunity to hear first hard how we can better attract and support events in the City of Adelaide.
  • Data that shows trends in events and where there are gaps in event experiences in the City, and
  • Data on how events in Adelaide support the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan 2016-2020 as well as the event organiser’s strategic targets.

Responses to surveys will be provided to Council for reporting purposes in the first instance. In some instances, we would welcome the opportunity to share your responses with key external organisations with an interest in a precinct of Adelaide (e.g. the Adelaide Riverbank Authority have an interest in the Adelaide Riverbank). Providing information to external organisations will help them to understand how to better target support for events. Sharing of information is optional. The questionnaire will provide an opportunity for you to tell us whether or not you approve of your answers being shared with external organisations.

Please allow for approximately 20 minutes to complete the survey. Please press save at the bottom of the survey as needed, so that you can return to the survey at a convenient time. If you need any assistance with completing the survey please contact your Event Facilitator.

A summary of all of your answers can be downloaded and printed at the end of the survey.

This is the first time that the City of Adelaide is implementing a post-event questionnaire. To help us understand whether this questionnaire has been useful for you or if you have any comments on how this questionnaire could be improved, please tell us in Section 6 of the Questionnaire.

The questionnaire is due to your Event Facilitator within 8 weeks of delivering the event.

  • Please share with us the benefits and challenges that were met in the delivery of your event.

    Your feedback will help us to continue to provide quality services to event organisers.

     If you need some help on the registration process please read this handy guide here..

    Consultation has concluded
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