Shannon’s Adelaide Rally- Gouger Street Party - 25 November 2022

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Consultation has concluded

Do you support the application for a permit for the Shannon’s Adelaide Rally- Gouger Street Party on 25 November 2022 

This consultation has now closed - thank you for your feedback.

What is happening and where? 

We have received an event road application from Massive Events Corp PL on behalf of the Gouger Street Traders Association to conduct the proposed Adelaide Rally Gouger Street Party on Friday 25th November 2022. To facilitate this activity, it is proposed that the below roads will be temporarily closed to vehicles as follows: 

Location From

Gouger Street between the Central Market Car Park and Claxton Street

3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022
Moonta Street between Gouger Street and Grote Street
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Witcombe Street between Gouger Street and a point 20 metres north
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Field Street between Gouger Street and Wright Street
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Compton Street between Gouger Street and a point 50 metres south
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Coglin Street between Gouger Street and a point approximately 20 metres south
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

California Street in its entirety 
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

To find out more?

Consultation Information Pack

What we would like you to do?

We would like your feedback on the application to grant a temporary closure for Tynte Street between Tynte Place and O’Connell Street for the purpose of the North Adelaide Rare & Classic Car Show taking place on Sunday 13 November 2022.

How do I provide feedback?

You can provide your feedback here or by clicking on the 'Provide Your Feedback' tab below

Why are we asking you to do this?

Under the Local Government Act 1999, the City of Adelaide is required to consult the public before it can grant a permit for an event that requests to use a public road for business purposes, and the said purpose will require whole or partial road closure(s) that may impede the passage of traffic to a material degree

How long do I have to provide feedback?

All feedback must be received by Council by 5pm, Thursday 29 September 2022. 

This consultation has now closed - thank you for your feedback.

Do you support the application for a permit for the Shannon’s Adelaide Rally- Gouger Street Party on 25 November 2022 

This consultation has now closed - thank you for your feedback.

What is happening and where? 

We have received an event road application from Massive Events Corp PL on behalf of the Gouger Street Traders Association to conduct the proposed Adelaide Rally Gouger Street Party on Friday 25th November 2022. To facilitate this activity, it is proposed that the below roads will be temporarily closed to vehicles as follows: 

Location From

Gouger Street between the Central Market Car Park and Claxton Street

3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022
Moonta Street between Gouger Street and Grote Street
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Witcombe Street between Gouger Street and a point 20 metres north
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Field Street between Gouger Street and Wright Street
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Compton Street between Gouger Street and a point 50 metres south
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

Coglin Street between Gouger Street and a point approximately 20 metres south
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

California Street in its entirety 
3:30pm - 9.30pm on Friday, 25 November 2022

To find out more?

Consultation Information Pack

What we would like you to do?

We would like your feedback on the application to grant a temporary closure for Tynte Street between Tynte Place and O’Connell Street for the purpose of the North Adelaide Rare & Classic Car Show taking place on Sunday 13 November 2022.

How do I provide feedback?

You can provide your feedback here or by clicking on the 'Provide Your Feedback' tab below

Why are we asking you to do this?

Under the Local Government Act 1999, the City of Adelaide is required to consult the public before it can grant a permit for an event that requests to use a public road for business purposes, and the said purpose will require whole or partial road closure(s) that may impede the passage of traffic to a material degree

How long do I have to provide feedback?

All feedback must be received by Council by 5pm, Thursday 29 September 2022. 

This consultation has now closed - thank you for your feedback.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation has now closed - thank you for your feedback.

    Consultation closes 5.00pm, Thursday 29 September 2022.

    You need to be registered with Your Say Adelaide to provide feedback on this permit application. It is Council’s policy that for a formal submission to be received it must include your name and address. 

    If you are not currently registered you can register here. It only takes a minute...but it is a minute well spent! 

    If you would like to know more, or if you need some help on the registration process, please read this handy guide here.

    All submissions will be provided to Council, and comments may be publicly available in Council Reports.

    Consultation has concluded
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