What is the Shannon's Adelaide Rally - Gouger Street Party?

    The Shannon’s Adelaide Rally is a nostalgic themed car event based on the iconic Classic Adelaide Rally. It is Australia’s largest tarmac rally. Starting in 1997, the Classic Adelaide Rally is now one of the world's recognised rallies where cars from bygone eras race against the clock on winding hills roads which are closed for this event. The racing will occur in the Adelaide Hills between Thursday 24 November 2022 and Sunday 27 November 2022. The Gouger Street Party is a free community event that brings the field of rally cars together at the conclusion of the racing component of the event.

    How will residents, businesses and stakeholders be notified of this event?

    All residents and businesses on Gouger Street and in the surrounding area, will be notified of the upcoming event via a letterbox drop organised by the event organiser in late October 2022. Included in the letter will be an event hotline telephone number.

    This event hotline telephone number is provided by the event organiser should a member of the public wish to lodge any feedback or concerns during the event.

    Who can I contact during the event if I have any concerns regarding this event?

    The event organiser will provide a hotline phone number during the event. Any member of the public can contact this number and provide their feedback to the event organiser. It is the responsibility of the event organiser to consider all feedback provided and take any necessary actions to remedy the issue. 

    Alternatively, members of the public contact the City of Adelaide on telephone: 8203 7203 to lodge any feedback or concerns. 

    Will residents and businesses be able to access properties during the road closure?

    Yes, while Gouger Street is closed to vehicular traffic, pedestrian access will still be maintained with the footpaths kept clear to provide clear access. In addition, residential vehicle access will be maintained, at all times whilst the roads are closed, this will include maintaining vehicle access and egress to the Adelaide Central Market Carpark from Gouger Street entering via Victoria Square.

    Where can I find out more information about the Adelaide Rally event?

    Further information about the event can be found at: www.adelaiderally.com.au.