South Ward Streets and Movement Study

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say on the South Ward Streets and Movement Study!

Update: 19 August 2020

An engagement update presented to committee on 4 August 2020 recommended that Council notes:

  • the business response rate and feedback of the engagement and the overall outcomes of the engagement, and
  • that the Administration will work within existing programs of work including ongoing asset renewal programs to ensure that key design elements identified by the South Ward community are integrated in future streetscape upgrade projects, including the Hutt Street Action Plan.

Update: 3 June 2020

Thank you for taking the opportunity to have your say during the South Ward Streets and Movement Study. We are currently working on the final report which we hope we will be able to present to Council in August.

Please return to this page for further updates.

Project Background and Description

We want to make Adelaide a welcoming and dynamic city, full of rich and diverse experiences, a city designed for life.

Having accessible, safe and active streetscapes form an important part of achieving this vision. In partnership with market and social research agency, Colmar Brunton, we are consulting with people who live, work or spend time in the South Ward area of the city, to understand how the area could be improved in the future.

Project Information

Consultation is open for four weeks from 2 September until 5pm, Monday 30 September 2019. You can provide feedback by:

Survey: You can provide feedback by completing the survey below. Please click on the survey that most applies to you:

South Ward Streets and City Movement Study

All responses will be compiled by an independent organisation, Colmar Brunton, and will be treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with The Privacy Act 1988.

Hard copy surveys are also available (and can be completed) at the City of Adelaide Customer Centre, 25 Pirie Street; South West Community Centre; The Box Factory and the City Libraries.

Street Meets: community pop-up meetings will be held in local venues in the South Ward area during the consultation. These include local cafes; community centres, and libraries. Each pop-up will be an opportunity to talk to members of the project team, and share your stories and concerns.

The Street Meet pop-ups will also provide an opportunity to complete and submit the surveys that are available on line.

Do you have any questions? If you would like to ask the project team a question about the South Ward Streets and Movement Study project, please click on the Q & A tab below.

Have your say on the South Ward Streets and Movement Study!

Update: 19 August 2020

An engagement update presented to committee on 4 August 2020 recommended that Council notes:

  • the business response rate and feedback of the engagement and the overall outcomes of the engagement, and
  • that the Administration will work within existing programs of work including ongoing asset renewal programs to ensure that key design elements identified by the South Ward community are integrated in future streetscape upgrade projects, including the Hutt Street Action Plan.

Update: 3 June 2020

Thank you for taking the opportunity to have your say during the South Ward Streets and Movement Study. We are currently working on the final report which we hope we will be able to present to Council in August.

Please return to this page for further updates.

Project Background and Description

We want to make Adelaide a welcoming and dynamic city, full of rich and diverse experiences, a city designed for life.

Having accessible, safe and active streetscapes form an important part of achieving this vision. In partnership with market and social research agency, Colmar Brunton, we are consulting with people who live, work or spend time in the South Ward area of the city, to understand how the area could be improved in the future.

Project Information

Consultation is open for four weeks from 2 September until 5pm, Monday 30 September 2019. You can provide feedback by:

Survey: You can provide feedback by completing the survey below. Please click on the survey that most applies to you:

South Ward Streets and City Movement Study

All responses will be compiled by an independent organisation, Colmar Brunton, and will be treated in the strictest confidence in accordance with The Privacy Act 1988.

Hard copy surveys are also available (and can be completed) at the City of Adelaide Customer Centre, 25 Pirie Street; South West Community Centre; The Box Factory and the City Libraries.

Street Meets: community pop-up meetings will be held in local venues in the South Ward area during the consultation. These include local cafes; community centres, and libraries. Each pop-up will be an opportunity to talk to members of the project team, and share your stories and concerns.

The Street Meet pop-ups will also provide an opportunity to complete and submit the surveys that are available on line.

Do you have any questions? If you would like to ask the project team a question about the South Ward Streets and Movement Study project, please click on the Q & A tab below.

Guest Book

If you would like to leave a comment, please write it here (please note that all comments are moderated)

Consultation has concluded

In contrast with 'Michael South Terrace', I feel very safe in the area, including Hutt Street, and do not support an increased police presence or any change to the location of the Hutt Street Centre. The high level of vacant business properties in Hutt Street has and is having a significant impact on the social and economic character of the street. Council should play a much stronger role incentivising the use of vacant property, otherwise the community has no capacity to influence property owners unwilling to reduce rents to a level that will attract tenants. Improving seating and street landscaping will also encourage more use of the spaces, businesses and facilities in the area, plus build a stronger sense of a vibrant community.

andrew.reilly almost 5 years ago

Many people do not feel safe in the South Ward especially the Hutt Street Precinct, and with reason.
An ongoing police surveillance and presence would assist.
Moving the Hutt Street Centre would more than likely solve the problem.
An active policing of people begging on the streets and sleeping under verandahs and shop fronts.
Other than that,
More lighting at pavement level would assist security at night.
Attractive street furniture so as the ever diminishing number people who work in the street actually have somewhere to sit other than a cafe.
Parking arrangements that assist business, e.g. if one had a two hour hairdressing appointment or a medical or business appointment there is simply no where to park, this could be overcome by council issuing businesses with time extension permits valid only for the day to be displayed in clients cars.
Upgrading the general amenity and look of Hutt Street, and the South Ward in General, thorough and regular cleaning.
Low level WELL maintained plantings.
Council incentives to assist business that go to businesses not landlords.
Council incentives to assist existing and successful businesses upgrade in a scheme similar to the scheme use to assist residents install solar power assistance.
A scheme to assist businesses open shop fronts rather than the traditional single door entrances.

Michael South Terrace almost 5 years ago