Santos Tour Down Under 2012

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Consultation has concluded

Events South Australia have submitted an application for the use of Victoria Square / Tarndanyangga to enable the Tour Down Under.

View the Event Details tab below for further information.

Events South Australia have submitted an application for the use of Victoria Square / Tarndanyangga to enable the Tour Down Under.

View the Event Details tab below for further information.

Consultation has concluded
  • About the Event

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    • Event location Victoria Square / Tarndanyangga
    • Event dates Sunday 15 January - Sunday 22 January 2012
    • Set up times Wednesday 28 December 2011
    • Pull down times Monday 30 January 2011

    The Adelaide City Council has received an application from Events South Australia for the use of Victoria Square / Tarndanyangga to enable the Tour Down Under Tour Village to take place. It is anticipated that the Tour Village will attract approximately 5000 people daily. Opening hours vary across the event days with 24 hour security onsite.

    The Tour Village will occupy both the north and south sections on the central area of Victoria Square / Tarndanyangga. In previous years the tour village has only operated in the southern section of the square. The southern area will operate as the official team hub, as it has done in previous years, while the newly proposed northern section will operate as a cycling expo and demonstration area.

    Approximately 70 teams, officials and tour parade vehicles are housed each night in the tour village hub, generally departing at 9.30am and arriving back at 4.30pm.

    The Village has an outdoor area that offers the public food, drink and other attractions related to the event. Alcohol is available and Events South Australia will apply for the appropriate Liquor Licence.

    The event will introduce a number of temporary structures onto the site, including marquees, fencing, generators, vehicles, catering and a large outdoor television screen.