Vincent Street and Vincent Place Streetscape Upgrade

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Consultation has concluded

Have your say on proposed upgrades to the streetscapes of Vincent Street and Vincent Place. Your feedback will contribute to the final street designs.
Project Update

In October 2018, we sought feedback from residents and property owners regarding our proposed plans to upgrade Vincent Street & Vincent Place.

These plans proposed tree planting, protuberances, traffic calming, footpath and road renewal along with other changes.

In summary the upgrade was generally supported, but there was a clear emphasis on the community’s desire to extend the outcomes of the project to include undergrounding of electrical infrastructure, removal of powerlines and installation of new lights.

Based on this feedback and the associated cost to achieve these outcomes, we will not be proceeding with the upgrade of Vincent Street & Vincent Place as proposed. We will however investigate the changes to the proposed design to include the community’s feedback. Following this, we will explore funding opportunities for the resulting design. This will be subject to our strategic priority for the undergrounding of powerlines considered as part of future budget discussions with Council.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me on 8203 7203 or via email at

Stage 2 of engagement concluded 1 June 2018. The engagement report can be viewed here.

Your feedback will contribute towards the detailed design work that is now being undertaken, and will be completed in September 2018. Works are anticipated to commence in late 2018 or early 2019.

During Stage 2 we sought your feedback on the revised design. Further information on the design, including street perspectives, can be viewed in the Engagement Pack (Stage 2) below , which was also provided by letter to directly impacted residents, and all stakeholders who have previously replied/shown interest in Stage 1. See below for project information:

Engagement Pack (Stage 2)
For further information please contact

Feedback could be provided by email to Sam Wellington, Project Manager at; or by using the contact details here; or by calling Sam on (08) 8203 7203. The Q&A tab below was available to pose questions to the the project team.

The opportunity to provide feedback closed 5pm, Wednesday 22 August 2018.

Have your say on proposed upgrades to the streetscapes of Vincent Street and Vincent Place. Your feedback will contribute to the final street designs.
Project Update

In October 2018, we sought feedback from residents and property owners regarding our proposed plans to upgrade Vincent Street & Vincent Place.

These plans proposed tree planting, protuberances, traffic calming, footpath and road renewal along with other changes.

In summary the upgrade was generally supported, but there was a clear emphasis on the community’s desire to extend the outcomes of the project to include undergrounding of electrical infrastructure, removal of powerlines and installation of new lights.

Based on this feedback and the associated cost to achieve these outcomes, we will not be proceeding with the upgrade of Vincent Street & Vincent Place as proposed. We will however investigate the changes to the proposed design to include the community’s feedback. Following this, we will explore funding opportunities for the resulting design. This will be subject to our strategic priority for the undergrounding of powerlines considered as part of future budget discussions with Council.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me on 8203 7203 or via email at

Stage 2 of engagement concluded 1 June 2018. The engagement report can be viewed here.

Your feedback will contribute towards the detailed design work that is now being undertaken, and will be completed in September 2018. Works are anticipated to commence in late 2018 or early 2019.

During Stage 2 we sought your feedback on the revised design. Further information on the design, including street perspectives, can be viewed in the Engagement Pack (Stage 2) below , which was also provided by letter to directly impacted residents, and all stakeholders who have previously replied/shown interest in Stage 1. See below for project information:

Engagement Pack (Stage 2)
For further information please contact

Feedback could be provided by email to Sam Wellington, Project Manager at; or by using the contact details here; or by calling Sam on (08) 8203 7203. The Q&A tab below was available to pose questions to the the project team.

The opportunity to provide feedback closed 5pm, Wednesday 22 August 2018.

Consultation has concluded
  • Project Update

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    Stage 1 of the engagement has concluded. The engagement report can be viewed here. Your feedback informed the revised concept design.

  • Project Update August 2018

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    Stage 1 of the engagement has been concluded. To view the engagement report please click here

    In June 2018, consultation was undertaken with all stakeholders to highlight opportunities,
    constraints and community expectations. The feedback informed the attached concept design
    where applicable.

    Stage 2 of consultation for the project, which will commence August 2018, will have the preferred Council-endorsed concept design presented to directly impacted stakeholders and the interested wider community.

  • Project background and information

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    Project Background and Information

    As part of our commitment to making Adelaide a greener and more sustainable capital city, we have committed to deliver streetscape upgrades in Vincent Street and Vincent Place.

    The upgrade provides an opportunity to explore, identify and implement streetscape improvements such as street tree and understorey planting, footpath widening and repaving, street lighting, traffic calming and general amenity improvements, as well as explore potential future opportunities such as overall improvements to traffic movement. For further information see below:

    We are seeking feedback and support from the immediate community and wider users on possible upgrades for the streets. Community feedback will contribute to the final street designs.

    If you would like to know more please refer to our FAQ section opposite and below. If you would like to ask a question regarding this project please check out our Q &A tab below.

    A Community Meeting providing an opportunity to meet with the project team, ask questions and provide feedback has been arranged for 18 May 2018 between 5.30pm and 6.30pm at Hutt Street Library, 235 Hutt Street.

    Our aim is to have the final designs completed by July 2018 with a view to works commencing late 2018.