Public Art Action Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Final Stage Consultation

We are seeking final feedback on the draft Public Art Action Plan 2019 - 2022 prior to its presentation to Council for endorsement in August 2019. The new Public Art Action Plan 2019 – 2022, which will be aligned with Council’s 2017 - 2023 Cultural Strategy, will replace the current Public Art Policy and Action Plan 2014-2019.


A Public Art Discussion Paper was developed in February 2019 to generate community and Council conversation about public art planning in the City. The resulting Council input, feedback from the Public Art Round Table, two community forums and a stakeholder workshop, along with online submissions has helped to shape the new Action Plan.

Your feedback will inform the final draft of the Public Art Action Plan that will be provided to Council for endorsement in August 2019.

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Engagement Pack
Who's Listening

Final Stage Consultation

We are seeking final feedback on the draft Public Art Action Plan 2019 - 2022 prior to its presentation to Council for endorsement in August 2019. The new Public Art Action Plan 2019 – 2022, which will be aligned with Council’s 2017 - 2023 Cultural Strategy, will replace the current Public Art Policy and Action Plan 2014-2019.


A Public Art Discussion Paper was developed in February 2019 to generate community and Council conversation about public art planning in the City. The resulting Council input, feedback from the Public Art Round Table, two community forums and a stakeholder workshop, along with online submissions has helped to shape the new Action Plan.

Your feedback will inform the final draft of the Public Art Action Plan that will be provided to Council for endorsement in August 2019.

View the Image Gallery
Engagement Pack
Who's Listening

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Adelaide: Favourite Public Art Experience

about 5 years

What is, or has been, your favourite public art experience in the City of Adelaide?

Before answering, you may like to refer to the section on 'Experience' on page 13 of the Public Art Discussion Paper.

Use a pin to locate this public art on the map. If you like, you can also upload a photo or a comment with your pin.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded