South Park Lands Creek Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

T&J Constructions Pty Ltd has been appointed to undertake the Tuthangga (Park 17) and Wita Wirra (Park 18) elements of the Master Plan works.
  • Works in Peppermint Park / Wita Wirra (Park 18) were completed in 2017.
  • Works to the eastern end of the creek in Pelzer Park / Pityarilla (Park 19) are nearing completion.
  • Creek works towards the Beaumont Road end of Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17) will commence in February 2018 and are expected to be complete in June 2018.
T&J Constructions Pty Ltd has been appointed to undertake the Tuthangga (Park 17) and Wita Wirra (Park 18) elements of the Master Plan works.
  • Works in Peppermint Park / Wita Wirra (Park 18) were completed in 2017.
  • Works to the eastern end of the creek in Pelzer Park / Pityarilla (Park 19) are nearing completion.
  • Creek works towards the Beaumont Road end of Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17) will commence in February 2018 and are expected to be complete in June 2018.
Consultation has concluded
  • Project Background and Information

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    The South Park Lands Creek is having a make-over?

    The South Park Lands Creek is not a natural creek line but an artificial drainage channel that was built almost a century ago (see Frequently Asked Questions).

    Recent studies have identified that the condition of the Creek has significantly deteriorated and that vital design improvements to the Creek are urgently needed (see FAQs).

    Adelaide City Council has developed a 'Master Plan', which sets out a five-year program of work needed to restore the condition of the Creek to improve its safety; increase its biodiversity, and assist with reducing the impact flooding in the South Park Lands.

    For further information please refer to:

  • Project Benefits

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The Master Plan will:

    • Support cultural and heritage values in the South Park Lands through revegetation which will include plants which have indigenous and local Kaurna heritage significance such as for food, basketry and medicinal purposes
    • Incorporate creek realignment and the use of underground culverts to protect river red gums and elm trees forming the historic Elm Carriageway
    • Result in up to1350 new trees being planted to support the creek renewal works.
    • Include a number of recreational benefits including walking trails along the creek corridor; community interaction with the creek; mounding / seating adjacent sporting fields, and points of interest at intersections with pedestrian and bicycle pathways in the Park Lands. The Master Plan will be coordinated with other proposed projects in the future
    • Provide a number of aesthetic and community educational benefits such as interpretive signage explaining creek management outcomes; plants which have indigenous & Kaurna heritage value; water quality benefits of rain gardens, and other water sensitive design initiatives and interaction with aquatic fauna
    • Strengthen the biodiversity in the South Park Lands from Fullarton Road to Unley Road. This will include up to 135,000 new plants being introduced over a 5 year period in support of cultural, educational, recreational and habitat outcomes
    • Reduce the likelihood of flooding to the South Park Lands community and adjacent road users during extreme rainfall events. It will have designated flood out areas to prevent water from overflowing at the culverts that can cause significant damage to assets and inconvenience to the public. The flood out areas will also retain water for longer in the South Park Lands to provide trees and landscaping with extra water
    • Result in the creation of a more natural creek will greatly improve the landscape values of the South Park Lands.
    A Location Plan of the Master Plan can be seen here and should be viewed along with the Master Plan.

  • Project Impacts

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    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    This project will have several effects on the community throughout construction. These include:
    • The removal of 58 trees to support the Creek redevelopment. Of these 58 trees, 4 are identified as regulated or significant (1 River Red Gum, 1 exotic and 2 Dutch Elms). The planting of 1350 new trees will create a design that over time will develop and mature to achieve the planned aesthetic outcome.
    • contamination
    • intermittent closures of shared paths
    • restricted access along the creek
    • impacts on sports fields
    • construction vehicles in the Park Lands
    • Construction noise and dust etc.
    A three year maintenance period has been proposed to ensure plant development and allow the trees to become established.

    A Construction Environmental Management Plan is currently being developed to ensure the project is constructed within the Environment Protection Agency Guidelines.

    Advanced notice and signage will be in place to ensure Park Land users are well informed of access through the Parks