A Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial commences 7 January 2019 in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue

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Consultation has concluded.

Have your say on Timed Motorcycle Parking Trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue from 7 January 2019.


The timed motorcycle trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue have now concluded. Thank you for providing your feedback. The two motorcycle zones will remain as timed areas to provide availability for motorcycle riders who only need to park for a few hours as opposed to all day on any given day. To boost the availability of motorcycle parking we have implemented additional free all-day motorcycle parking in Hyde Street. We will continue to look for opportunities to install on-street motorcycle parking where appropriate. There is also motorcycle parking availability within each of UPark locations., and free motorcycle parking in Victoria Square/Tarntanya. For further information please visit our motorcycle parking page:


What would we like from you?

Your feedback on a trial of a 6-month timed 3-hour parking limit for motorcyclists within existing (currently unrestricted) motorcycle parking zones in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue.

The timed motorcycle parking trial will run for a 6-month period from 7 January to 7 June 2019 and consist of 7 clearly identifiable spaces in Hindmarsh Square and 4 spaces in Kintore Avenue (see locations opposite). Free on-footpath motorcycle parking will still be available in Hindmarsh Square and other locations in the CBD.

Your ideas for new locations for motorcycle parking. We would like your ideas and suggestions for future locations for motorcycle parking in the city. You can submit your ideas here or by clicking on the 'Ideas' tab below. You can also indicate where you would like to see motorcycle parking using the 'Places Map' here or the tab below.

Your questions? Click here If you would like to ask a question(s) about the Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial.

Your comments: If you would simply like to leave a comment about the Trial, please click here. Please note: you do not have to register with Your Say Adelaide to provide a comment; but if you are already registered, a comment will include your user name. All comments are limited to 255 characters and are subject to moderation.


We are continuously seeking ways to improve accessibility to the city for all modes of transport, including motorcycles and scooters.

Over the last three years we have actively increased motorcycle parking in the city, both on-street and on-footpath. There are over 1,000 free on-street motorcycle parks, including 140 free spaces on designated footpaths. Only 24 parks are timed controlled. All locations have signage and line marking to indicate where parking is permitted, and to assist riders to ensure safe parking.

Motorcycle parking is also available in our city UParks.

Because most of the on-street and on-footpath motorcycle parks are unrestricted, and used by motorcyclists to park all day, visitors who travel to the city by motorcycle have advised us that they often find it difficult to find a park.

The purpose of trialling timed motorcycle parks in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue is to better understand the need and demand for short term motorcycle parking in the city, and to better support motorcycle access for visitors and shoppers to the city.

See below for further information on the timed motorcycle trial:

Engagement PackFree motorcycle parking on footpathsFAQsFor further information please contact

Have your say on Timed Motorcycle Parking Trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue from 7 January 2019.


The timed motorcycle trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue have now concluded. Thank you for providing your feedback. The two motorcycle zones will remain as timed areas to provide availability for motorcycle riders who only need to park for a few hours as opposed to all day on any given day. To boost the availability of motorcycle parking we have implemented additional free all-day motorcycle parking in Hyde Street. We will continue to look for opportunities to install on-street motorcycle parking where appropriate. There is also motorcycle parking availability within each of UPark locations., and free motorcycle parking in Victoria Square/Tarntanya. For further information please visit our motorcycle parking page:


What would we like from you?

Your feedback on a trial of a 6-month timed 3-hour parking limit for motorcyclists within existing (currently unrestricted) motorcycle parking zones in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue.

The timed motorcycle parking trial will run for a 6-month period from 7 January to 7 June 2019 and consist of 7 clearly identifiable spaces in Hindmarsh Square and 4 spaces in Kintore Avenue (see locations opposite). Free on-footpath motorcycle parking will still be available in Hindmarsh Square and other locations in the CBD.

Your ideas for new locations for motorcycle parking. We would like your ideas and suggestions for future locations for motorcycle parking in the city. You can submit your ideas here or by clicking on the 'Ideas' tab below. You can also indicate where you would like to see motorcycle parking using the 'Places Map' here or the tab below.

Your questions? Click here If you would like to ask a question(s) about the Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial.

Your comments: If you would simply like to leave a comment about the Trial, please click here. Please note: you do not have to register with Your Say Adelaide to provide a comment; but if you are already registered, a comment will include your user name. All comments are limited to 255 characters and are subject to moderation.


We are continuously seeking ways to improve accessibility to the city for all modes of transport, including motorcycles and scooters.

Over the last three years we have actively increased motorcycle parking in the city, both on-street and on-footpath. There are over 1,000 free on-street motorcycle parks, including 140 free spaces on designated footpaths. Only 24 parks are timed controlled. All locations have signage and line marking to indicate where parking is permitted, and to assist riders to ensure safe parking.

Motorcycle parking is also available in our city UParks.

Because most of the on-street and on-footpath motorcycle parks are unrestricted, and used by motorcyclists to park all day, visitors who travel to the city by motorcycle have advised us that they often find it difficult to find a park.

The purpose of trialling timed motorcycle parks in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue is to better understand the need and demand for short term motorcycle parking in the city, and to better support motorcycle access for visitors and shoppers to the city.

See below for further information on the timed motorcycle trial:

Engagement PackFree motorcycle parking on footpathsFAQsFor further information please contact

Guest Book

Would you like to provide a comment on the Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial ? If yes, please write your comment in the space below. Please note that all comments are limited to 255 characters and subject to moderation.

Consultation has concluded.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

The three hour parking arrangement gave me the opportunity to park as all of the locations were full. I needed to attend a meeting so this worked for me.
I know you have said you have increased motorcycle parking, but there still seems to be a restrictive amount. More on footpath parking, or more parking spaces in general would be appreciated.

MikeC over 5 years ago

Disappointed as bikes offer a low congestion commute for students and city workers. This is revenue raising at it finest and does not make sense. Bike parks do not take up space and you can fit 4 in one car park. Dont see point in this at all. Will you charge cyclists as well for bike parking??,

Philipirma over 5 years ago

There needs to be more motorcycle parks in the city to encourage more scooters and motorcycle and less cars(congestion). I don’t think very much of timed parking.... there are plenty of areas that you could designate more bike parking too rather than discourage motorcycle and scooter riders by having a 3 hour limit!!

Ryan over 5 years ago

Think you should not have timed motorcycle parking and also there should be more motorcycle parking spaces.

N/a over 5 years ago

I'm OK with EXTRA spaces for timed parking. In addition we need MORE all-day parking spaces because riding is now becoming very popular as commuters realise the benefits, and as such the available spaces fill up every workday.

KevinB over 5 years ago

I don’t think timed spaces are a good idea and it would be better for the city council to look for more spaces that can be adapted for motorbike parking

Tatiana over 5 years ago

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
1. You will definitely raise revenue through expiation notices and
2. You will force us into multistorey carparks.

George Haskas

George Haskas over 5 years ago

I appreciate the principle with timed parking in Cities aids in traffic flow, but any timed bike parks need to be in addition to areas already put aside so this will continue to look after the full time CBD users and the Casual short time stay rider. But why stop here increase the footpath parking across the city and you will encourage more riders into the CBD, spending more into the economy in the cafes', the shops and the venues and this will free up more car park spaces, a win all round.

Martin Humphries over 5 years ago

We don't want more restrictive parking, we want more access to parks. More motorcycle parking areas or, god forbid, allow parking on the footpath where space permits it. It works well in other citys.
Timed parking may help with turnover of parks, but it greatly reduces the usefulness of said parks.

Brodie over 5 years ago

Please, we don’t need timed parking for motorcycles. What we need is MORE free parking for motorcycles to encourage more people to use motorcycles which as we already know reduces traffic congestion and environmental impact.

Moto rider 7717 over 5 years ago

Clearly a decision made for financial advantage and not practical. How about releasing more spaces for bike parking rather than ripping more money out of already cash strapped motorcyclists? Oh and why not alow footpark parking as in VIC? Wait - that’s right, it’s not ‘profitable’ is it, and you people wonder why the general public think all levels of government have become nothing more than pork barrelling pigs at the public trough.

BOUNCER over 5 years ago

No time limits...

FredH over 5 years ago

Should be no time limit as they do not take up much space

Crowley over 5 years ago

Further to my previous comment Adelaide should get in line with other major cities around the world and have more of this type of parking for mototrcycles on designated section of footpaths. Every other city in the world has been doing it for decades.

Anthony Gorle over 5 years ago

Timed parking. How stupid is that. Make it all day parking or unlimited.

Anthony Gorle over 5 years ago

Please, more unlimited parks. Timed parks encourage less people to ride

MissyGoldilox over 5 years ago

I don't understand how this is beneficial. I Park at the roadside motorbike parks on hindmarsh square a few times per week for my full 7.5 hour work day arriving around 8:30am and leaving around 16:30. Parking can be competitive on a particularly nice day when extra riders come to the city but if the parks are full I simply go to a paid car park. If I have to move my bike every three hours in theory i have to move my bike at least twice per day interrupting my ability to work. Secondly I'd just move to another free motorbike park meaning there is no gained parking spot. As someone highly affected by this decision, if you want to help us riders out don't go through with this. Add more free bike parking instead. Happy to provide more insight

Rowan over 5 years ago