A Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial commences 7 January 2019 in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue

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Consultation has concluded.

Have your say on Timed Motorcycle Parking Trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue from 7 January 2019.


The timed motorcycle trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue have now concluded. Thank you for providing your feedback. The two motorcycle zones will remain as timed areas to provide availability for motorcycle riders who only need to park for a few hours as opposed to all day on any given day. To boost the availability of motorcycle parking we have implemented additional free all-day motorcycle parking in Hyde Street. We will continue to look for opportunities to install on-street motorcycle parking where appropriate. There is also motorcycle parking availability within each of UPark locations., and free motorcycle parking in Victoria Square/Tarntanya. For further information please visit our motorcycle parking page:


What would we like from you?

Your feedback on a trial of a 6-month timed 3-hour parking limit for motorcyclists within existing (currently unrestricted) motorcycle parking zones in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue.

The timed motorcycle parking trial will run for a 6-month period from 7 January to 7 June 2019 and consist of 7 clearly identifiable spaces in Hindmarsh Square and 4 spaces in Kintore Avenue (see locations opposite). Free on-footpath motorcycle parking will still be available in Hindmarsh Square and other locations in the CBD.

Your ideas for new locations for motorcycle parking. We would like your ideas and suggestions for future locations for motorcycle parking in the city. You can submit your ideas here or by clicking on the 'Ideas' tab below. You can also indicate where you would like to see motorcycle parking using the 'Places Map' here or the tab below.

Your questions? Click here If you would like to ask a question(s) about the Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial.

Your comments: If you would simply like to leave a comment about the Trial, please click here. Please note: you do not have to register with Your Say Adelaide to provide a comment; but if you are already registered, a comment will include your user name. All comments are limited to 255 characters and are subject to moderation.


We are continuously seeking ways to improve accessibility to the city for all modes of transport, including motorcycles and scooters.

Over the last three years we have actively increased motorcycle parking in the city, both on-street and on-footpath. There are over 1,000 free on-street motorcycle parks, including 140 free spaces on designated footpaths. Only 24 parks are timed controlled. All locations have signage and line marking to indicate where parking is permitted, and to assist riders to ensure safe parking.

Motorcycle parking is also available in our city UParks.

Because most of the on-street and on-footpath motorcycle parks are unrestricted, and used by motorcyclists to park all day, visitors who travel to the city by motorcycle have advised us that they often find it difficult to find a park.

The purpose of trialling timed motorcycle parks in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue is to better understand the need and demand for short term motorcycle parking in the city, and to better support motorcycle access for visitors and shoppers to the city.

See below for further information on the timed motorcycle trial:

Engagement PackFree motorcycle parking on footpathsFAQsFor further information please contact

Have your say on Timed Motorcycle Parking Trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue from 7 January 2019.


The timed motorcycle trials in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue have now concluded. Thank you for providing your feedback. The two motorcycle zones will remain as timed areas to provide availability for motorcycle riders who only need to park for a few hours as opposed to all day on any given day. To boost the availability of motorcycle parking we have implemented additional free all-day motorcycle parking in Hyde Street. We will continue to look for opportunities to install on-street motorcycle parking where appropriate. There is also motorcycle parking availability within each of UPark locations., and free motorcycle parking in Victoria Square/Tarntanya. For further information please visit our motorcycle parking page:


What would we like from you?

Your feedback on a trial of a 6-month timed 3-hour parking limit for motorcyclists within existing (currently unrestricted) motorcycle parking zones in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue.

The timed motorcycle parking trial will run for a 6-month period from 7 January to 7 June 2019 and consist of 7 clearly identifiable spaces in Hindmarsh Square and 4 spaces in Kintore Avenue (see locations opposite). Free on-footpath motorcycle parking will still be available in Hindmarsh Square and other locations in the CBD.

Your ideas for new locations for motorcycle parking. We would like your ideas and suggestions for future locations for motorcycle parking in the city. You can submit your ideas here or by clicking on the 'Ideas' tab below. You can also indicate where you would like to see motorcycle parking using the 'Places Map' here or the tab below.

Your questions? Click here If you would like to ask a question(s) about the Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial.

Your comments: If you would simply like to leave a comment about the Trial, please click here. Please note: you do not have to register with Your Say Adelaide to provide a comment; but if you are already registered, a comment will include your user name. All comments are limited to 255 characters and are subject to moderation.


We are continuously seeking ways to improve accessibility to the city for all modes of transport, including motorcycles and scooters.

Over the last three years we have actively increased motorcycle parking in the city, both on-street and on-footpath. There are over 1,000 free on-street motorcycle parks, including 140 free spaces on designated footpaths. Only 24 parks are timed controlled. All locations have signage and line marking to indicate where parking is permitted, and to assist riders to ensure safe parking.

Motorcycle parking is also available in our city UParks.

Because most of the on-street and on-footpath motorcycle parks are unrestricted, and used by motorcyclists to park all day, visitors who travel to the city by motorcycle have advised us that they often find it difficult to find a park.

The purpose of trialling timed motorcycle parks in Hindmarsh Square and Kintore Avenue is to better understand the need and demand for short term motorcycle parking in the city, and to better support motorcycle access for visitors and shoppers to the city.

See below for further information on the timed motorcycle trial:

Engagement PackFree motorcycle parking on footpathsFAQsFor further information please contact

Guest Book

Would you like to provide a comment on the Timed Motorcycle Parking Trial ? If yes, please write your comment in the space below. Please note that all comments are limited to 255 characters and subject to moderation.

Consultation has concluded.
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

To put it simply, I will not drive into the city unless it is an emergency but I will ride regularly my bike because I know there will be ample free parking and I can shop with ease! If motorcycle parking becomes paid I just will no longer spend money in the city, end of story. There is nothing I can't buy closed to home, I go because it's an enjoyable ride with easy parking. You take that away and thousands of us will no longer spend money in the city.

mine about 5 years ago

Timed parking is a horrible idea - in fact, parking on footpaths should be expanded CBD wide to allow more motorcyclists to park in the CBD, effectively reducing congestion to and from the CBD.

Timothy about 5 years ago

We do not need timed parking, this is a horrible idea.

Rory about 5 years ago

We ABSOLUTELY need more timed bike parks. I ride in to go shopping, to the market, for coffee, and there are no parks because they are all filled all day by city workers. YES MORE TIMED SPOTS PLEASE.
The spots on the pavement are exceptionally dangerous unless there is a sloped curb directly from the road to the spot. Or make riders turn off the engine and push the bike into the spot. Having motorbikes riding along the pavement is a disaster waiting to happen, especially for children or old people on the footpath. Thank you.

tuppy23 about 5 years ago

This is a terrible idea. Many 2 wheel commuters to the city choose this option for convenience of parking, which in turn reduces congestion coming in to the city. By limiting these parks, you force long term parking commuters to drive, meaning more congestion and a larger carbon footprint.
If you want to increase access, allow footpath parking EVERYWHERE.

This_idea_sux over 5 years ago

Hi I thought the council was meant to promoting getting cars out of the city.
How will time parked areas help this.
The better solution is to open up more free parking areas on large footpath areas in and around the CBD.

jackodea262 over 5 years ago

How about you think about the future of the city and the current rate payers. Rather than trying to come up with a reason to increase your next pay check. Trying to fined a way to give parking fines to motorcyclists. Such backwards thinking Adelaide City Council

Jodie over 5 years ago

Encouraging people to use other forms of transport should be an absolute priority of the Adelaide city council and timed motorcycle parks are counterintuitive to this purpose. I strongly disagree with it. The free motorcycle parks have created environment where motorcycles are parked correctly, neatly in certain areas and they are safer and discouraging people to do this by having timed parking is wrong .

Rachel Adelaide Resident over 5 years ago

We do not need timed motorcycle parking. In the afternoon there is no available parking near Rundale Mall and the timed parks makes this even harder. Needed more parks not less. Why not trial Melbourne's example, on footpath parking for a few months. It would be something good for congestion and the environment.
Future Adelaide needs more rewarding on public transport and Motor Cycle transportation.

John S over 5 years ago

There is not enough parks as it is, riding is becoming increasingly popular look at Victoria square 200+ bikes in squeezed into the area. Bike parking should be added to each square at a minimum. Further, adding parks into the Adelaide city owned U park facilities at a decent rate.

andrewgambell over 5 years ago

Great idea. Communicated previously that Hindmarsh Sq motor cycle zones were being hogged by all day (office?) workers. As a result I found it difficult to find a parking spot. Now it's great!! Come in Fridays after work to do some shopping and no problem getting a parking spot. If you want my opinion make it a permanent arrangement .
Thanks Dermot

Dermot over 5 years ago

Just had an interesting encounter with parking inspector who was gleefully placing a ticket on a bike which had overstayed a temporary trialling 3 hour timed space after being an all day park for as long as I can remember! Whilst trying to have a genuine discussion about the inappropriateness of the trial and its short sightedness, the “lovely” chap decided to say derogatory comments about my scooter! Wow.
The trial should be stopped immediately and the idea binned!

Jaz over 5 years ago

Hi as a long term scooter rider into the city for work, I find it a terrible idea to put time restrictions on for bike parks. I thought the parking bays on footpath was a good progressive move. Rather than have regressive policy, more incentive should be given to help the poor traffic flow through the city. Motorbikes help this problem massively. Please do not implement this limit timing policy. What is the benefit? Parking fine revenue! By Penalising someone trying to help the environment issues and traffic congestion. Be visionary in planning not short sighted. Thanks for your consideration Jason
Ps there needs to be more bike parking in the city, serious lack of spaces, look at Melbourne they do it well

Jaz over 5 years ago

I am a scooter rider and don't believe there is anywhere near enough parks. I can't really see why any motorbike park needs to be timed. They should be allowed in designated sections on wider footpaths - and next to or in front of trees where there is a gap but for some reason yellow lines either side indicating parking not allowed. More bike bikes are definitely needed

Jilansi over 5 years ago

Melbourne do it so well, with only a couple of streets that you can’t park your motorbike or scooter on the footpath, and it works so well. Open up all our footpaths to free scooter, motor bike parking, identify the few narrow footpaths where it might not work. Melbourne’s rules are simple; don’t block pedestrians nor exits, entry points, enable parked vehicles to open their doors.

Steve of Clare over 5 years ago

I think this idea is rubbish. Every time I go past the timed parks they are empty. This idea doesn't work. Please stop it. We need more parks not fewer. As more people opt for reducing congestion by riding 2 wheelers, we need to consider more on foot path parking, ie hindmarsh square.

Pippo over 5 years ago

Motorcycles in the CBD reduce congestion. Many are commuters who use this facility work in city. Now this parking space that was thought to help congestion is a commodity. Unhappy with timed parking in this huge land.

Andydownunder over 5 years ago

Timed motorcycle parking adjacent to major shopping/business/tourist locations is very useful, providing extra spaces are provided on the outskirts of the shopping/business centre for all day parking and a few spots added around trees and at the end of car parking areas which are otherwise not utilised.

Another Greg over 5 years ago

I support short term parking for motorcycle so I can access to the shopping area quickly but the real problem is getting anywhere near Rundle Mall / Rundle Street.

Would love to come into town more often but on any nice day its impossible to get a motorcycle park where we need to be

Huge amount of areas are obvious - how about the NW corner of Hindmarsh Square near the SA Health building - at least 50 motorbikes would fit

HG over 5 years ago

Very happy to see timed motorcycle spaces in the CBD. I can now come in for a short time without taking up a car space. I've tried the timed parking in Hindmarsh Square three times and there's been an available park each time.
However, these should be extra spaces - more motorcycles in the city = less cars.

pwally over 5 years ago