Business Insights Survey

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Consultation has concluded.

Project Update - 11 March 2021

We received over 160 responses to the survey. Businesses from various locations across the city provided their views on Council services, the types of support that they would like to see from Council, and their propensity for adopting sustainable business practices.

We heard that:

  • Nearly half (48%) of city businesses were confident about their future business prospects.
  • 72% of city businesses thought that the City of Adelaide is a good place to do business.
  • Preferred types of Council support by city businesses was to attract more people into the city, grow the economy, and help with reducing business costs.
  • Council services considered to be the most important by city businesses were asset maintenance; economic growth; and waste, natural resources and environmental services.
  • Similarly, Council services considered the best performing were asset maintenance; waste, natural resources and environmental services; and policy and planning.
  • Preferred ways of being more environmentally sustainable were to reduce energy costs, improve energy efficiency, and waste reduction and recycling.

These results have been used to improve Council’s service and program delivery and to track one of the measures of success in the City of Adelaide 2020-24 Strategic Plan. To view the full results, please click here.

Project Information

The City of Adelaide is conducting a survey to find out more about the businesses that operate in Adelaide (postcode 5000) and North Adelaide (postcode 5006).

We want to hear from city business owners/operators to understand how Council can better support you.

You can also enter the draw to win a share of $1000 in prizes by providing your contact details at the end of the survey. The full terms and conditions for the prize draw can be found by clicking here. Please note you must be 18 years or over to complete the survey.

Your feedback will be used to help shape the services, programs and activities delivered by the City of Adelaide as we work towards achieving operational savings of $20 million in the 2020-21 financial year.

Project Update - 11 March 2021

We received over 160 responses to the survey. Businesses from various locations across the city provided their views on Council services, the types of support that they would like to see from Council, and their propensity for adopting sustainable business practices.

We heard that:

  • Nearly half (48%) of city businesses were confident about their future business prospects.
  • 72% of city businesses thought that the City of Adelaide is a good place to do business.
  • Preferred types of Council support by city businesses was to attract more people into the city, grow the economy, and help with reducing business costs.
  • Council services considered to be the most important by city businesses were asset maintenance; economic growth; and waste, natural resources and environmental services.
  • Similarly, Council services considered the best performing were asset maintenance; waste, natural resources and environmental services; and policy and planning.
  • Preferred ways of being more environmentally sustainable were to reduce energy costs, improve energy efficiency, and waste reduction and recycling.

These results have been used to improve Council’s service and program delivery and to track one of the measures of success in the City of Adelaide 2020-24 Strategic Plan. To view the full results, please click here.

Project Information

The City of Adelaide is conducting a survey to find out more about the businesses that operate in Adelaide (postcode 5000) and North Adelaide (postcode 5006).

We want to hear from city business owners/operators to understand how Council can better support you.

You can also enter the draw to win a share of $1000 in prizes by providing your contact details at the end of the survey. The full terms and conditions for the prize draw can be found by clicking here. Please note you must be 18 years or over to complete the survey.

Your feedback will be used to help shape the services, programs and activities delivered by the City of Adelaide as we work towards achieving operational savings of $20 million in the 2020-21 financial year.

Consultation has concluded.

  • Background

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    Ensuring that Council services are delivered efficiently and effectively is a core responsibility and interest of the City of Adelaide. Surveys allow us to directly hear customer perspectives on our performance on a range of services.

    The recent disruption with the global pandemic has driven the need for a strategic approach to collecting business information. Collecting detailed, local insights provides the evidence-base for policy development and decision-making in Council. This will not only aid recovery but also assist city businesses to withstand challenges in the future.

    Building on the conversation started through the 2020-21 Business Plan & Budget consultation process, we are inviting owners and operators of city businesses to participate in our survey.

    The feedback provided through this survey and other recent engagements with businesses will help shape the services that Council will deliver now and into the future.