Field Street Streetscape Project

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Consultation has concluded

Consultation for Field Street has now closed. 

Thank you for your feedback.

The feedback we received through these consultations helped informed the street upgrade design. We also implemented one-way movement on Field Street, an important feature which will be kept as part of the upgrade.

The Field Street Streetscape Project is now in the delivery phase. 

Project Details 

The City of Adelaide is upgrading Field Street. Field Street is a key area in the market precinct and this upgrade will address several issues including road surface, traffic flow and management, parking, cleanliness and amenity, as well as making it greener

Consultation for Field Street has now closed. 

Thank you for your feedback.

The feedback we received through these consultations helped informed the street upgrade design. We also implemented one-way movement on Field Street, an important feature which will be kept as part of the upgrade.

The Field Street Streetscape Project is now in the delivery phase. 

Project Details 

The City of Adelaide is upgrading Field Street. Field Street is a key area in the market precinct and this upgrade will address several issues including road surface, traffic flow and management, parking, cleanliness and amenity, as well as making it greener through new trees and planting.

The upgrade will include features such as; 

  • One-way access to improve pedestrian amenity
  • Dedicated loading zones 
  • Raised paving for outdoor dining 
  • Wide footpaths for a safer pedestrian environment
  • Planting of trees and garden beds
  • Improved lighting for safety

Work will start on Field Street in early 2024 and are expected to be completed by mid-2024. Council is committed to best managing disruption to businesses and residents during the works.

To maintain access to the street and undertake works, the street will often be single laned during construction. Full closures will be required at times, these will be communicated with stakeholders prior. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.


This proposed upgrade follows on from the Wright Court and Field Street Streetscape Upgrades consultation that was conducted in 2018 and 2020. The upgrade was delayed due to the Covid pandemic and we are pleased to commence this project in 2024.

For more information on this project, to speak to someone or for regular updates, please visit the Project Page.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Submission form closes at 5.00 pm, Thursday, 11 June 2020. 

    This is a legislated consultation.  

    Please include your name and residential address to ensure your submission is considered by Council. Formal submissions including names and addresses of respondents may on occasions be made public through reports to Council. Required information is marked with an *asterisk.

    You will be asked to login to your user account before providing your feedback.

    Please ensure your profile is up to date with your latest contact details.

    If you need some help on the registration process please read this handy guide here.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form on Facebook Share Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form on Twitter Share Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form on Linkedin Email Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Submission form closes at 5.00 pm, Friday, 28 February 2020. 

    You will be asked to login to your user account before providing your feedback.

    Please ensure your profile is up to date with your latest contact details.

    If you need some help on the registration process please read this handy guide here.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form on Facebook Share Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form on Twitter Share Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form on Linkedin Email Field Street Streetscape Project: Submission Form link